Chapter 8

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Harry looked in the mirror as he buttoned up his uniform, running his hand over his shirt and making sure it was straight before heading to his closet and getting out his belt and gun. And just as he buckled it around his waist and made sure it was secure he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and a pair of lips on the back of his neck.

"Don't you have an 8 month old you should be feeding?" he teased, turning around in Louis' arms and dipping his head to connect their lips.

"Yeah, but I knew you were getting ready for work and I can't resist a man in uniform," Louis said through a quiet laugh, running his hand over Harry's front and adjusting his badge and name tag.

Harry rolled his eyes fondly, that being more than true as every time he comes home and Louis sees him in his uniform he tries to jump his bones. "Well I still have to get AJ and Ollie ready so you'll have to restrain yourself," he said, pecking the older lad's lips before reaching into his closet and pulling out Oliver and AJ's harnesses.

Louis fake pouted at him, but this was every morning for them. The older lad basically lived at his house, and Harry had absolutely no complaints. The only time Louis would go to his flat was to either get more clothes or feed Cooper, but that was all. So now Harry got to wake up with Louis in his bed, the blue eyed lad getting up with Lily as he got himself and the dogs ready for work.

"What are you and Lil doing today?" Harry asked as he knelt down to the dogs' height and got their harnesses on them.

"I wanted to start my lesson plans for the semester and maybe organize some things for the footie team. Maybe when you get back all of us can go for a walk?" Louis suggested.

"Definitely," Harry smiled back at him, knowing the older lad absolutely loved walking on the beach with Lily and the dogs.

He couldn't even say how amazing this last month has been. It was like everything with Louis felt right, the way he so easily fit into his life and made everyday better than the last.

From taking walks with Lily and the dogs on the beach or in the park, to late night dinners out, it being just the two of them, it was all perfect. Louis seems to never leave his house, but Harry loved seeing him every day, to be able to wake up with Lily and feel like he had his own little family. The best part by far was that the older lad hadn't brought Cooper over, but Harry figured when Louis officially moves in the cat will have to come and he and the dogs will have to get used to the little beast. For now though Harry was enjoying the peace and spending his time with Louis, Lily, and the dogs.

"You boys be careful out there, all right?" Louis asked as he walked them to the door, giving Ollie and AJ a quick kiss on the head before watching them walk to the car.

Harry wrapped his arms around the older lad, knowing how each morning he waved them off and tried to hide how nervous he was for them every day. "We'll be okay love like we are every day."

Louis bit his lip as he nodded, standing on his toes and kissing his boyfriend softly. "Just be safe, okay?"

"Always," Harry smiled down at him, pressing his lips to Louis' one more time before walking out the door and heading to the car with the dogs.

He already knew today was going to be a great day, all of the dogs got up in a great mood, even little Lily when she woke up was smiling versus her usual grumpy pout until she's fed. And Harry of course made sure to give her a million kisses before he got ready for work, knowing he was going to miss her during the day.

"You boys like our new house guests, don't you?" he asked, glancing in the rear view mirror at the dogs. "I know Scout does, she's so cute," Harry laughed, the puppy never leaving Lily's side. "Just wait until they really move in, then you'll meet that little devil of a cat Cooper. But even I can learn to tolerate him if it means keeping those two around."

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