Chapter 7

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Harry let out a deep breath before he took a swig of his beer, Ollie resting against his legs as they were stretched out in the sand and Scout cuddled into his side.

"You guys this is what bliss feels like," he said, his gaze focused on the water and AJ and Teddy chasing each other on the beach. "You know what would make this perfect? If Louis and Lil were here. Could you imagine? Lily in her little bathing suit and Louis shirtless... Yeah, that would be perfect."

"Mate," Liam chuckled, seeing the younger lad go off into dreamland as he talked to the dogs. "Please remember we're here with you."

Harry looked over to see Niall and Liam snickering as they sipped at their own beers "It's not my fault you two decided to come over during my time with the dogs," he huffed, petting Scout and feeling the puppy try to lay on his lap. "I know sweetheart, they interrupted our time but it's okay," he kissed her head.

"Well you've been spending all your time with Louis mate, we miss you," Niall said, his brother in law being MIA for nearly two weeks now because he's been spending all his time with the blue eyed lad.

Harry shrugged, that being just a bit true. Almost every day after Harry gets home from work Louis comes over with Lily for dinner or they'll meet up in the park or walk along the beach with the dogs and Lily.

"Yeah H, we have to go out for a boys night or something, minus the dogs," Liam laughed as he watched Ollie get up to play with AJ and Teddy.

Harry heard Niall hum his agreement just as he felt his phone ringing in his pocket, and as soon as he saw that it was Louis calling he didn't waste another second before answering it. And of course as he excitedly said "Hey Lou!" into the phone he could hear Liam and Niall laughing at him, but he didn't care, he was more focused on how the older lad was freaking out on the other line.

"Lou! Louis! Hang on a second, what's happening?" he asked, the older lad talking a mile a minute.

And Louis explained, still freaking out into the phone as he told Harry that he had no one to watch Lily but he had to go to work, apologizing every five seconds but still asking if Harry could take her for the night.

"Yeah, yeah, bring her over babe, it's fine. Relax alright?" Harry laughed quietly into the phone, more than happy to be able to spend some one on one time with Lily. "I'm just sitting on the beach with Niall, Liam and the dogs so just text me when you get here, I'll meet you at the house."

"You're a lifesaver H! Just holy shit thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Louis said more than relieved into the phone.

"Of course," Harry smiled softly into the phone. "See you two in a little bit."

As soon as he got off the phone Harry looked over to Niall and Liam to explain what was happening, but he already saw the two watching him.

"We're getting kicked out, aren't we?" Liam huffed.

"Not yet, we can have a few more beers before Lou shows up," Harry shrugged as he laughed to himself. "He has work and no one to watch Lil so he's bringing her over for the night."

The two raised their eyebrows at that, looking at each other before focusing back on Harry. "Mate can you handle that?"

"What're you talking about? I watch Christian all the time."

"Yeah but this is like the first time alone with the potential step kid, you can't fuck up."

Harry rolled his eyes as he heard the Irish lad, knowing tonight would be nothing but perfect with the baby. And when he got Louis' text 20 minutes later that he was there the green eyed lad basically skipped off to meet him with Liam, Niall and the dogs all trailing behind him.

K-9's and Blue Eyes (Larry Stylinson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon