Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Making her way gingerly down the gangplank, Carly's mind reeled. Why were so many people mad at her? Angry even. Angry enough to hurt her. Her heart raced as she considered this. Someone was intent on stopping her from looking into whatever they were trying to hide. The problem was, there seemed to be more than one thing going on. Why didn't someone want her looking into the adult entertainment facility? Or maybe this all connected to the missing money? Surely it couldn't be because of the not-so-nice message she left turning down the job offer. And maybe it was none of the above.

More determined than ever to get to the bottom of whatever was happening, she walked quickly back toward the downtown business section, glancing over her shoulder several times. She paused outside a small café where tables were set outside despite the chill in the air. Grateful to be able to enjoy the clear air, she sat at the table nearest her, making sure she sat with her back to the wall.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, she smiled to herself. She felt like a spy in a bad movie or a cowboy in an old western. Didn't Doc Holliday sit facing the door so he could always see who might be gunning for him? She needed to get a grip on her imagination. Nobody as gunning for her.

She sat for a few moments, consciously breathing slow and deep to quiet her breathing. Even her legs were shaking. Maybe they weren't going to shoot her, but someone was out to get her.

Carly reviewed the events of the past few days. Try as she might, there didn't seem to be any single event worth trying to hurt her for, or-and she shuddered at the thought-kill her.

A waitress came to the table, a look of concern on her face. She set a glass of water on the table in front of Carly. "Are you all right?"

Carly started out of her thoughts, perturbed this woman was able to walk right up to her without being seen. It could have been anyone. "Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You looked a little pale when you sat down. Did you want to order?"

"Sure." Carly's mind went blank and her heart beat wildly again like a stampeding heard of steers. She drew a deep breath to steady her nerves. She didn't really feel hungry, breakfast was a long time ago. She should eat something. "Could I have a BLT and a coffee, please?"

"Coming right up."

The pert reply made everything seem normal again, and Carly smiled as the waitress ducked back into the café.

More aware of her surroundings, Carly considered her options. She needed to talk this over with Mike. He would have some suggestions. He always managed to remain calm and wise, and right now, to be honest, she felt very scared.

The waitress delivered her lunch and Carly took a bite, enjoying the toasty texture of the bread with the cold tanginess of the tomato, the salty chewiness of the bacon, and the crisp clean taste of the lettuce.

After a couple of bites, her appetite kicked into overdrive, and she devoured every bite of sandwich before taking even one sip of her coffee. Even that tasted good. Perhaps the tastes were so intense because of eating in the fresh air. Maybe it was because she was eating at all. Someone seemed to be working hard to prevent her from ever doing that again.

The walk back to the school proved uneventful, and Carly felt more secure when she saw Denise's car in the parking lot. Inside the door, Denise lounged against the wall near the school office, chatting with her daughter. When Carly walked up, Margie broke off their conversation and ran down the hallway, jumping into Carly's arms, nearly knocking her over.

"Whoa there. You are getting too big to do that anymore." Carly laughed, although she really did enjoy it, even as her still-aching back protested. "What are you two kids whispering about?"

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