Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Carly glanced at her watch-she was running out of time. The principal and the mayor were due in less than thirty minutes and she still had no evidence to prove Denise hadn't embezzled the money herself. Quickly she keyed the information from the registered owner field into a new search, trying to unravel the layers of corporate hide-and-seek someone seemed to be playing.

Finally, twenty minutes and six layers later, the information revealed itself. She held her breath as she scanned the screen. The registered owner was listed as Jackson Wells of Bear Cove. The mayor of Bear Cove. The same mayor who was pushing the proposal for a nudist camp through unofficial channels. Who didn't want to talk to her.

Carly printed the screen. If she was going to pressure the mayor to talk to her, she needed some ammunition. Everything she thought she knew about Jackson Wells evaporated into thin air like smoke from a cigarette tossed in the gutter. Wiping sweaty palms on her thighs, she released her breath, willing the tension to exhale as easily. It didn't.

She needed to talk with the mayor before the meeting. She thought she knew him, but if he really was behind the missing money and the nudist camp coming to town, she wasn't so sure any more. Not to mention the threat against her and the fact her brake lines were purposely cut.

Hearing voices in the hallway, she gathered all her papers together, disconnected from the Internet, and shut her computer off. She looked up as she the door opened. Denise came in first with a man close behind. Both had worried looks on their faces.

Denise stood aside to allow the principal to come forward. "Carly, this is Mr. Daniels, the school principal."

Carly stepped up, her hand stretched to shake his. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Daniels. I think we met briefly at a fund-raiser for the fire department."

He smiled in recognition and took her hand. "I remember the evening very well. Good to see you again."

It was easy to understand why he'd been hired. At the time, the school needed someone experienced in raising funds, and he fit the bill perfectly. Carly heard from Denise, however, he was less than adept as an administrator, which probably explained why the missing bank statements hadn't raised any questions.

She smiled. "Yes, a most successful event. Thanks to your efforts, I believe."

He ducked his head. "You donated tax return services, didn't you? Most appropriate, I assure you."

She pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Will we wait for the mayor, or shall we start?"

Mr. Daniels paused to consider for a moment. "Why don't we call Mayor Wells one more time? Perhaps he's on his way."

"I'll call him." She reached for the telephone and dialed the number, waiting impatiently for it to be answered. Miss Cook did not normally let the phone ring so many times. Automatically, she began counting the rings. At the sixth ring, an unfamiliar voice answered. "Hello? I'd like to speak with Mayor Wells, please." When told he wasn't in the office, she drew a deep breath to calm her frustration before continuing. "When do you expect him? He is supposed to be in a meeting with me right now." She listened to the voice on the other end and rolled her eyes at Denise. "Who am I speaking with? Where is Miss Cook?"

She put her hand over the receiver to update Mr. Daniels and Denise. "Mayor Wells left the office yesterday and hasn't been back since. This person is a temp. She says Miss Cook got a telephone call yesterday afternoon and had to leave right away. She doesn't know where they are."

Speaking to the temp, she hastened to reassure her. "That's fine. I know you aren't their keeper. If either of them comes in, will you please have them call me? Here's the number."

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