Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Both men questioned Carly at the same time, insistent on being heard.

"Did you get a good look at the man who left the note?" Bert's pen was poised over the pad, ready to take notes.

"Forget that." Mike bellowed. "I'm not letting you out of my sight until this is all straightened up."

"Mike, you can't keep me under lock and key. Let's look at this logically-" Carly began, pausing when Bert interrupted.

"What about a description of the car he drove?"

She leaned against the desk, watching as the two men squared off. A vein bulged in Mike's forehead and his face turned red.

Mike faced the Sheriff. "Can't you see she's overwhelmed?" He paced the floor. "Or are we just another arrest for you?"

Bert stepped forward. "I still have to do my job."

Carly raised her hand trying to get their attention. "Guys, please. Don't shout. My head is pounding."

Wearily she sat on the corner of the desk, wishing she were anywhere but here right now. There was way too much testosterone in the room. She clapped her hands over her ears, feeling like a five-year old as she tried to shut them both out. Even if she'd wanted to join in, she was only able to make out partial sentences.

". . . in danger and needs our protection..." from Bert.

Mike's response, though, was the last straw. "I can't help it if she's a full time job and you don't know. . . "

Carly tuned out the rest of the conversation, ready to scream.

Denise entered the room with a take-out cup from the café down the street. She stopped and surveyed the scene, looking from Mike to Bert to Carly. She raised one eyebrow in question. "Is it safe to come in, or should I go call the cops?" One side of her mouth lifted in a wry smile as she sat next to Carly and handed her the take-out cup. "Oops, my mistake, the law is already here."

Carly accepted the steaming cup of brew and sipped tentatively. "My rescuer." She spoke over the baritone voices of the two men. "Believe it or not, these guys are actually on the same side." Careful not to burn her tongue, she sipped hungrily. "Hmmmm. English Toffee. The next best thing to mocha."

Denise smiled warily, glancing from Mike to Bert and back again. "Are you sure about them? If it was me, I'd rather lock them in a room and let them fight it out. Winner is the last man standing."

Carly nodded her head in their direction. "Leave them be. They'll eventually realize they are arguing for the same side and they'll stop."

Denise and Carly sat in silence, Carly enjoying her java, Denise watching her father and Bert talking over each other.

Denise smiled then leaned closer to Carly. "This is a side of Dad I don't get to see very often."

Carly returned the smile. "I don't see it often, either." She paused. "I think I like it."

Denise laughed softly. "Kind of a knight-in-shining-armor effect. It's hard to picture my father in that role, but it suits him nicely."

Gradually, the decibel levels of the men's voices lowered and finally they stopped talking altogether.

Mike turned to glare at Carly. "You weren't even listening, were you?"

"Nope. I tuned you out when Bert asked why you couldn't control your wife and you said I was a full-time job." Carly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and set her empty cup on the desk. "As I see it, we should join forces to find out what's going on here."

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