Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Carly was so deep in thought on her walk back home she literally ran into Susan and Susan's mother on the sidewalk outside the café. She jumped back in fright. Too much had happened in the past few days, too many threats, too many innuendoes. She was running scared. But when she looked up to see Susan's smiling face looking at her in puzzlement, Carly managed a smile.

Susan put out her hand to steady Carly. "You must have been a thousand miles away, girlfriend."

Carly was many things, but for the life of her, she couldn't think of one person she would call girlfriend. "I was working through a problem as I walked. Sorry I ran into you. Hello, Mrs. Markham. How are you?"

The older woman bobbed her head in greeting. "Fine, Carly. We were going to the diner for something hot to drink on this cool evening. Would you care to join us?"

Despite the flutterings in her stomach, coffee sounded good right now. "I'd love to."

Susan took Carly by the arm and steered her into the café. "I called out several times and you ignored me."

"I didn't hear you. Sorry." Carly stepped aside to allow Mrs. Markham to go ahead of her, then let Susan guide her through the door.

They paused inside the café as Susan scanned the room for a suitable table. Spying her favorite, the one in the middle of the big picture window, Susan threaded their way through the occupied tables and sat down. She gestured to her mother and Carly to do the same.

"I'm glad to hear that." Susan's smile looked pasted on. "I thought maybe you were mad at me or something."

Carly rubbed her hands together to ward off the chill. "It's been a tough couple of days since I saw you last."

She surveyed the mother and daughter across the table from her. They definitely looked like they were related, but there was some indefinable difference between them. Susan looked harder in some undefinable way. The thought surprised her, but it made sense. Susan's father had been a very successful attorney, yet Carly suspected Susan wasn't very happy. Being a single woman in a family town, always working hard, always dating but never having a long-term relationship had to be hard on her.

"In that case, you need a break." Susan turned slightly to address the waitress standing near them. "We'll have coffee. Decaf."

The waitress nodded and returned a moment later with the coffee pot and three mugs. She deftly filled their mugs and left.

Carly knew better than to try to keep anything from Susan. That was one of the reasons she liked Susan-her efficient take-charge attitude. She eyed Susan over the rim of her cup. Even at the end of a normal workday, when most people would go home and change before going out, Susan still looked business-like. Her Chanel suit, blue this time, with gold buttons and a straight skirt, accented all the right places.

If Susan had any physical flaws, the suit hid them. Carly smiled as she wondered if Chanel made a suit that could hide her physical flaws, then shook her head mentally. A round figure and short legs were more difficult to disguise.

Susan's expression relaxed as she settled into her chair. "Mind if I slip off my shoes?"

Carly shook her head. "Go right ahead."

Susan slipped her blue pumps off and sighed in satisfaction. "That feels better. These shoes weren't made for walking, that's for sure." She sipped her decaf. "It's good to be able to relax at the end of a long, hard day."

Carly nodded, setting her cup down. "It sure is. And it has been a long day."

Susan squinted. "Want to talk about it?"

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