Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Mike was as shocked by Bert's pronouncement as Carly. By the way the color drained away from her cheeks, she hadn't considered the possibility that someone they knew might be a killer. Usually that fragile look made him feel she needed him. Today he felt helpless.

Not that he thought there was any ongoing danger up to this point. Sure, he'd been scared when he found out about Carly's accident. Then, when they learned it wasn't an accident, he had gotten angry. And now, anger was being replaced with fear. Carly might be sticking her nose into a dangerous place and she didn't even seem to realize it. She needed him to keep her grounded and safe.

When Carly sat back in her seat, her arm brushed his as she settled against the chair. He shifted in his chair to sit closer to her. Somehow he had to protect her.

Then she leaned forward like a hunter ready to make a kill. "A trap? How could that be? Surely one of my friends couldn't be involved in something like murder?" She paused a moment. "Then again, a few days ago I wouldn't have thought the mayor was capable of embezzling funds from the school." She turned to Mike. "We'll be very careful, won't we?"

"Yes, we will. Very careful. And as soon as we learn anything, we will pass it on to Bert, like we agreed. Right?" Mike left the question hanging. He knew very well that was the last thing Carly wanted to do, but he needed to set the ground rules up front. That way there was no misunderstanding later on. When she didn't answer, he pressed her. "Right?"

She dropped her gaze and her quiet answer caught him off-guard. "Yes, Mike." Her acquiescence surprised him, and by the look on Bert's face, that wasn't the response he had expected, either. "Whatever you say, Mike."

Mike had no intention of losing his advantage. With Carly on record as agreeing to cooperate, he knew when to cut and run. He pushed back from the table and took the check. "I'll take care of this."

Bert smiled and reached out to shake Mike's hand. "Thanks, I owe you one."

Mike returned the quick handshake then slipped his arm under Carly's elbow as she slid from the booth. "We might take you up on next time."

Carly gathered her notes. "We'll call to let you know what we find out back in Bear Cove." Together the four walked back toward the school, Mike and the Sheriff side by side, while the girls hung back and chattered about-whatever it was women talked about. He couldn't make out their words, but trusted his daughter to keep his wife on the straight and narrow.

That was one thing about Denise-she was solid and dependable. Not a frivolous bone in her body.

Mike kicked at a small rubber block, sending it back into the yard they passed. "Will your officers be done with Carly's car now? We want to get it back home so we can get it repaired."

"Actually, they finished processing it. There is some body damage, but nothing that made it undriveable, except, of course, the cut brake line. Our mechanic went ahead and replaced it. They said the car is ready now." Bert paused opposite the Sheriff station. "I'll leave you here. I'm going back to the office to check those reports. Keep in touch."

"Oh, Dad, you aren't leaving right away, are you?" Denise stepped next to him with Carly on the outside. "The kids and Don will be so disappointed if they don't see you."

Mike checked his watch. "Since it's late, how about if we spend the night and then go home early tomorrow morning? Then, to make up for the short visit, you and Don and the kids can drive back in your own car when we leave for Bear Cove in the morning. Plan to spend a couple of days."

Carly tugged on Mike's arm. He leaned closer as she whispered in his ear, her breath warming his face and his heart. "I think I left the house in a royal mess. But if you could help me a little in the morning, we can do a quick tidy up."

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