Ch. 4 ~Encounter~

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It was almost dawn as the Task Force along with L were working on the Kira case. The table was piled with tapes from cameras and the TV was on. All of the investigators looked exhausted and felt like they were going to pass out from lack of sleep. L sat on the couch in his unusual position and eat his candies and looked wide awake as ever. 

 "That was footage from servalliance cameras at the train station. The death of one of the FBI agents is captured on here," Aizawa said tiredly. "Let's see the following scenes again. Raye Penber passing the gate on the way in, boarding the train, and finally when he dies on the platform" L said. "Ok..." Aizawa muttered searching through the tapes. "Oh here it is, Aizawa" Matsuda said. "Uh.. so... what I have is that Raye Penber was coming from the West side of Shinjuku station at 3:11 p.m." Matsuda started as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Then at 3:13, he boards a train but if he was following someone, its hard to tell from the blurry video. Then at 4:42 p.m. he exits the train at Tokyo station and dies on the platform..." Matsuda finished with a yawn. 

 "It's quite strange isn't it?" L asked. "What do you find strange?" Mr. Yagami asked. "Yeah, what is it? Did you notice something?" Matsuda asked. L took a bite out of a brownie and looked at the screen. "You see here?" L said pointing out the envelope Raye carried. "He's carrying an envelope." Aizawa gasped. "You're right! But in the other footage when he's on the platform... it's gone!" "Yes, which means it was left on the train. And if you watch closely you can see that Mr. Penber is reaching towards the door and straining to look inside before the doors close." L said. "You think it means something?" Soichiro Yagami asked. "Wouldn't it be interesting if Kira was on that train?" L asked. "I find it hard to believe. But there's no reason for Kira to come to the scene of the crime since he can kill from a distance, but still... its a big possibility..." L said.

 L continued talking with them about Raye Penber's death and the incident at the train station. After a while they dismissed the conversation and got a call from Ukita who discovered something from the NPA. It was about a woman named Naomi Misora, Raye Penber's fiancee, who went missing. Watari looked up her name and showed her profile picture to L. L looked shocked.

 "It's her. She's from the Los Angeles BB Murder Case..." L muttered to himself. L's eyes then narrowed as he hung up the phone. "Well apparently she's gone missing after her fiancee died" L said to the others. "I'm sure anyone in her situation would be pretty depressed. Was it...?" Matsuda said. "Suicide..." Aizawa said finishing for Matsuda.  "No. The Naomi Misora I knew was strong, not to mention she was an excellent FBI agent. It's likely she was trying to find out who Kira was. Its possible she found a lead..." L said outloud but then muttered to himself, "If that's the case, did Kira manage to get to her first?" L asked himself while putting his thumb to his lips. 

 "Everyone, I've decided to place wire taps and survellince cameras in the Deputy Director's and the Yagami households." L said surprising everyone. "Wait, why are you doing this?!" Mr. Yagami asked angerly that his family would be watched. "Because Raye Penber was investigating and keeping an eye on those two families. It may be possible that Kira might be one of them" L said leaving everyone speechless and Mr. Yagami not all right with this. After L talked with Watari about when they would get everything situated in the houses, L talked with the rest of the team about something else.

 "I found out a day ago, that Kira left a secret message. More so directly to me" L said sitting in his position on the couch and took out a printed sheet of the message. Aizawa held the message and began to read. 

 L, since I've told you that shinigamis exist, it would be fair to let you know that they're not the only unreal creatures in our world. Fallen Angels exist also. I had met one and she has told me of her purpose. She fulfill my true desires soon enough.

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