Ch. 8 ~Interrogation~

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Ever since Light met Misa that night with Freya interrupting, things changed. Light went to his college and met up with L. But then Misa appeared from her modeling shoot. Despite Light furious with her coming and knowing who he was to L, he smirked as he thought of Misa’s shinigami eyes. She could see L’s real name and Light would be able to end his life.

They talked and L kept his eye on Misa. Misa got a call from her manager, who was very upset that she left her shoot and wanted her to come back. Misa frowned but said good bye to Light. As Misa left, L went to get some cake from the cafeteria while Light said he had a meeting to go to. Light smirked as called Misa, but glared at L as the ringing came from L. L had taken Misa’s cell phone without her noticing.

L had kept Misa’s phone and had gotten a call from the rest of the investigation team. Once L told Light that they arrested Misa suspicioned of being the second Kira, Light looked shocked. But on the inside—angry, worried.

As Light sat his desk at home, he glared in front of him in thought. This problem that was happening neared him to the edge. Light had finished writing a list of criminals’ names down and had told Ryuk to add a fake rule to the notebook. The 13 Day Rule.

Afterwards, Rem appeared and told how Misa was doing while in confinement. Misa refused to say anything she knew about Light, but she gave up ownership of her Death Note. After hearing this, Light made a decision that would conclude this problem to clear both himself and Misa of suspicion. Choose to be confined like Misa.


Light came to headquarters and told everyone even L that he would gladly turn himself in to be confined to prove he wasn’t Kira. Light’s father didn’t agree to it, but Light convinced him. L looked as if he would finally get somewhere since he knew Light was Kira and he would be behind bars with him and the others watching Light.

“Before we do that, I would like all of you to observe this.” L said as everyone looked at him curiously. “I have another person brought here for questioning, but not for being suspected as Kira.” L pressed a button on the large computer desk and a tv screen cover slid open. There in the room sitting down in a chair was a girl, sitting properly and straight as she stared ahead.

‘Freya, what the hell are you doing here?!’ Light thought as he cursed and looked more than surprised then glared with fury. She was currently in her human form or rather known as her fake name—Scarlett. Everyone was able to see her through the surveillance camera. “Ryuzaki, what’s the meaning of this?” Mr. Yagami demanded. “Just a simple interrogation to see if she’s what I have a hunch on.” L said as he walked to the interrogation rooms along with the others.

Freya sat still in her chair as she stared at her hands in her lap. She heard the door handle move and seconds later the door opened. Freya slowly looked up and studied the investigation team until her eyes stared upon Light. They all stared at her back with Matsuda slightly blushing. “Thank you for coming here today. You are Scarlett, correct?” “…Yes” she replied softly. “Very good. I am L” L said, surprising the others and looking over at L thinking he was insane. “Yes, I know who you are…even the rest of you…” Freya said making the team look back at her confused and surprised, except Light.

“Is that so?” L said studying her hard. “Well answer me this. My driver and worker of mine, Watari, drove you here from the university. He said that when he asked you to come quietly, you simply followed his request. Now, what if he was planning to kidnap you or sell you to other individuals? Maybe even kill you?” L questioned as he stepped further towards her.

“For one, he was an elderly man with a kind heart and I doubt he would do such a thing. Furthermore, it wouldn’t matter, because I could easily avoid that situation.” Freya said. The others looked at her strangely. “Alright. And why do you think that it would be pointless if you were in that situation?” L asked.

“Because I’m dead” Freya’s comment made everyone but Light and L look disturbed. “Dead you say. If that’s the case, then you’re not human are you?” L asked, his grey eyes staring down at her. “I was once human, but not anymore. I am a Fallen Angel.” Everyone’s eyes widen except Light of course.

“I had a feeling you were. So, you’re the Fallen Angel that leaves a feather on Kira’s victims.” L said. “That’s correct. After they die, I guide their souls to their final destination.” Freya said still staring at them making the team slightly uncomfortable from her gaze. “Interesting. Tell me, do shinigami exist just like the second Kira said?” “Yes, they do.” “Do you know who Kira is?” That question that L asked made Light jump and become slightly nervous.

“Yes, I do. The second Kira as well.” She said making everyone surprised with happiness, but that turned around as she said this next. “But I can’t tell you. I’m on no one’s side…” Aizawa had enough. “Listen, you! If you know who Kira is then spill it! People are dying almost every day and you’re just going to let it happen?! For all we know, you could be working for Kira or maybe perhaps be Kira!” Everyone was silent as they looked between Freya and Aizawa. Aizawa glared as Freya looked at him, not even a flinch or any flicker of emotion appeared.

“Mr. Aizawa, that’s enough. We’ll keep her here at headquarters and keep an eye on her. If that’s alright with you, Scarlett?” L asked looking at her with his hands in his pockets. “Of course, but I will have to leave whenever Kira kills someone to guide their souls.” Freya said and L nodded in agreement. “How can we trust you doing that?!” Aizawa barked again. “She’s just doing her job, Mr. Aizawa” L said reasonable.

“If you want proof, then I shall show you,” Freya said as everyone looked curiously at her. She was standing up now and she made a fist and slowly opened her hand to reveal a black rose. Everyone looked at it interestedly as if she was a magician. “All you need to do is touch this rose. Then you shall see my true form.” Freya said. Everyone stayed still, not so sure about this. L reached out and touched the petals feeling a flowing sensation. He looked up at Freya saw her dressed in her black clothing and her big black wings. “Amazing. And quite beautiful” L said putting his thumb to his lips. One by one, the team touched the flower and awed at the sight of Freya.

Even though Light already had touched the rose before and knew what her form looked like, he acted and touched the rose anyway. He pretended to look amazed at her. “Wow. She really is a Fallen Angel” Matsuda said still in a trance. It was quiet then until L broke it. “I think that’s enough questions for now. Thank you for answering my questions, Scarlett. Now, let’s get back to work, everyone.” L said.

The group filed out of the room and the only two left were L and Light. Both Light and L noticed Freya was staring at L. “What is it, Scarlett?” L asked staring back at her. Light stared at her also. “…Nothing. You just look like someone I once knew…” she said. After a few minutes of staring at each other, L left the room keeping what she said in mind. Light and Freya stared at each other. One with wonder and the other with nothingness. Light tore his gaze away and left, shutting and locking the door behind him.


Everyone went back to their seats and worked. L sat in his posture, thumb to his lips while watching Freya from the screen. She had sat back down and just stared off ahead of her. Light walked to L’s side and also watched the screen with him. “She sure is an odd one” Light glanced down at L. ‘Look who’s talking.’ Light thought. “Huh?” Light asked L.

“I’m more interested with Scarlett. I never expected Fallen Angels to exist and for some reason we both seem familiar with each other even though I never met her before. I’m just wondering who it is I remind her of… and she also knows who Kira is. Things are going to be more interesting, Light.” L smirked. Light lightly laughed with a fake smile. “I think so too, Ryuzaki.”

Light’s brown eyes watched Freya. ‘She may have said she knew who the two Kiras were, but she still refuses to tell anyone mine and Misa’s identities. She didn’t even mention about a Death Note involved. Even though she’s neutral, she’s still helping me out in a way.’ Behind L, Light smirked as his eyes were red, showing his Kira side.

‘You’ve kept my secrets, Freya. I’m grateful for that. Who knows, maybe you will soon join my side. You are already something to me, Freya… Kira’s Angel…’

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