Ch-6 Secrets and Lies

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Elizaveta hurried away from where she had heard her King talking with some high ranking people. She now understands what the other Queens had warned her about. She couldn't believe that her beloved Ivan would do such a thing. She had always known him to be a troublemaker but she assumed that that was because he was young. She assumed it was because he was a teenager and was of Royal status. She was sure that most royally born children acted like that when they were teenagers, but she thought he had grown more mature. She thought that he was more like an adult. She thought Roderich and her had shown Ivan how to act. That they had tamed the wild King, but no. They had achieved nothing. Ivan had only been good for as long as he needed to. Elizaveta was now wrapped around his finger and Roderich trusted him enough to let him do as he pleased. The Queen needed to hurry. She needed to tell Roderich. She burst into his room to find it clean and untouched.

"What?" Elizaveta questions. Her panting had caught the attention of a butler.

"My Queen are you alright?" He asks.

"Where is he?" Elizaveta shouts pointing to the room as she turned to face the beta.

"I assume you are asking for Roderich?" Elizaveta nods quickly, "Well he is in the capital right now. He will not be back for another week." The man says.

"Why? Why did he leave?" Elizaveta asks grabbing the butler's shoulders. The man was slightly nervous at the panicky look the Queen had.

"He is dealing with foreign affairs in Celestia. Are you alright m'lady? Would you like me to fetch the King?" The butler asks, but before Elizaveta could answer a scarily familiar voice spoke from behind Elizaveta.

"Do not worry, I am here already. Please leave I will make sure Elizaveta is alright." Ivan says and the butler bows before taking his leave. Elizaveta clung to the butler at first but after he had peeled her off she watched with pleading eyes as he walked down the hallway. Once he was out of sight Elizaveta was slammed into the wall.

"How much did you hear?" Ivan calmly whispers into Elizaveta's ear. This only causes her to sob as she tried to put distance between the two of them.

"W-what do you mean?" Elizaveta asks.

"Stop lying and answer me!" Ivan loses his calm composure as he stands tall. Elizaveta only just seemed to realize how tall Ivan was, she was only face-to-face with his chest. The alpha stared down his nose at the Queen; who for the first time in forever felt fragile and frail. Elizaveta wanted her alpha back; she wanted the alpha that hugged her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. She did not want the real Ivan; she wanted the fake Ivan that fed her lies and promised to listen to her.

"I did not hear much." She whispered quietly as she looked down.

"Well you heard enough to want to expose me." Ivan growled out. Elizaveta felt herself wanting to drop to the ground and curl up and cry. "I think it is time for you to learn the real meaning of being my Queen." Ivan says as he grabs Elizaveta's arm. The omega reeled back instantly.

"Please no! I'll do anything just please don't hurt me! Please!" Elizaveta cried out as she tried to grab onto what ever she could to slow Ivan down. "Please, I-I won't tell anyone!" Elizaveta cries. Ivan didn't stop and instead dragged her through his room and into her room. She thought that this was it. She would be slapped a few times then left alone; like a majority of alphas did. When Ivan didn't stop walking she started pulling back quickly.

"Where are we going?" Elizaveta asks quickly; her tears had stopped now as she was confused.

"Did you forget? A heat room really muffles noise." Ivan says as he drags her into the room. Elizaveta cried out and pleaded. She begged Ivan to leave her alone; or at least just slap her a few times. She asked that in her next heat he just not attend so it was very painful for her; Ivan never stopped.

"Now remember who your King is Elizaveta. I will not always be your sweet alpha. I also expect you to not tell anyone and to actually help me. If you do tell anyone you will not be treated so nicely." Ivan's purple eyes glared down at Elizaveta. The omega nodded pitifully as Ivan left her alone. She felt used and betrayed. Her once unblemished skin was covered in darkening bruises and her head hurt from her hair being pulled multiple times. The beaded necklace Roderich had bought her had been snapped off her neck; causing a red mark around the back of her neck. She could not bring herself to pick up her clothes that were torn and ripped. She stayed in the room and let her emotions go free.

Ivan and Elizaveta never noticed the little girl who had hid in the cupboard. She had been playing in the Queens room while her mother cleaned the bathroom and when she heard people coming into the room she decided to hide in one of the cupboards in the heat room. She felt herself start shaking in shock as silent tears ran down her face. The Queen of Clubs sat in her line of view screaming and crying asking what she did to deserve this.

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