Ch-7 Spy

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When Roderich returned from the capital everything had gone back to normal. Elizabeta still had dark coloured bruises covering her sides; however Roderich could not see them. The omega had kept her mouth shut and only greeted Roderich with a warm smile and quick hug; she couldn't risk Roderich noticing her wince when he hugged her. Ivan had appeared quickly and shooed Elizabeta along. Roderich had been surprised to watch Elizabeta hurry off after being shooed once.

"Roderich, I think we need to talk." Ivan smiled. Roderich nodded and walked into Ivan's office with the alpha. Ivan takes a seat in his own chair as Roderich sits across from him.

"What is it?" Roderich asks.

"You are the King of Hearts' cousin?" Ivan asks.

"Yes I am. What has this got to do with anything?" Roderich asks. Ivan leans forward and rests his chin on his hands.

"I would like you to find out any weakness that King Ludwig has and tell me." Ivan says.

"Why would I do that?" Roderich frowns. Ivan smirks and whistles. Elizabeta shuffles into the room and takes her place beside Ivan.

"If you want your dear Elizabeta live a pain-free life you will help me conquer Hearts." Ivan smiles. Roderich looks in shock as he glances between the couple.

"You wouldn't..." Roderich trails off quietly. Ivan stands and slams Elizabeta down onto the desk. The omega's teary green eyes look over to Roderich. She mutually pleads to the beta that he just say yes. Roderich wasn't an alpha though, nor was he an omega. He was an alpha and did not react to the scared scent Elizabeta was releasing. Fortunately for Elizabeta, Roderich had a soft spot for the omega. He did marry her for a reason.

"Alright I'll do it! I can actually tell you something right now." Roderich says. Ivan releases Elizabeta and pulls her into his arms and softly runs his fingers through her hair. Elizabeta was careful not to pull away to quickly when they separated; Ivan had gone back to the old Ivan she knew but he could still turn into the true King alpha he was. Ivan tells her to go visit some of her maid friends. He then takes his seat once she had left.

"Well are you going to tell me or not?" Ivan asks.

"Ludwig has always had a soft spot for omegas. I honestly do not know why he does, but he will react to any omega's cry and it doesn't matter if they're mated or unmated or how old or young they are." Roderich says and Ivan nods.

"I have just the little girl to help spy on him." Ivan smirks. He stands and gestures for Roderich to follow him. The two men walk out of the office and make their way into the servant quarters. They walk into the omega and female betas part of the quarters. Elizabeta was sat on one of the beds and was letting one of the teenage omegas braid her hair.

"My Queen you have such lovely hair." One of the older female betas compliments Elizabeta. Elizabeta smiles sweetly at the beta before noticing Ivan and Roderich. Ivan strolls over to where a girl about the age of 10 sat swinging her legs off the edge of the bed. Ivan easily picks the girl up and hauls her over his shoulder.

"Where are you taking my daughter?" An omega quickly stands up.

"Do not worry, you'll see your daughter eventually. She will be doing a job for me." Ivan says. The omega nods; knowing he couldn't have a say against the King.

"Ivan, give the child back." Elizabeta had taken a stand. The other omegas and female betas stood as well. Ivan smirked and laughed.

"Look at all of you, following your almighty Queen. I think you all forgot who the Queen belongs to." Ivan walked over and roughly grabbed Elizabeta by the wrist. Elizabeta instantly dropped her head and quickly bared her neck where her mating mark sat. Ivan leant down and gently scraped his sharp canines over the mark before kissing it. Elizabeta breathed a sigh of relief at first before feeling a sharp jolt of pain run down her body. Ivan sank his canines into the mark; reminding the omega who 'owned' her.

"Now sit down and shut up." Ivan whispered harshly into Elizabeta's ear. The alpha releases her and leaves the room with Roderich. Elizabeta raised her hand and rested it over the bite mark which was bleeding.

"Let me cover that." A female beta appears and covers it with a cloth. Elizabeta let silent tears fall from her eyes as the others comfort her as best as they could. They didn't know how to react to this seeing as omegas in Clubs were looked up to. Alphas usually followed omegas and omegas ruled the families. Ivan on the other hand seemed to be in control of the relationship.

"He just needs time. Ivan will come around once everything unfolds. As of right now he is just nervous I will tell people his plans; I can't tell you the plans or I will risk your lives. I know that his plans may either destroy Clubs or make Clubs the powerful Kingdom it once was." Elizabeta says.

"I have a feeling my child will have something to do with it." The male omega from before says.

"Most likely." Elizabeta nods.

"Now, I need you to catch a boat to Hearts and make your way to the castle. You need to sneak in or wait for the King to leave the castle. You need to find a way to catch his attention and make him take care of you. You need to find out everything you can about him. Give him a fake name and fake story of your life." Ivan says. The little girl nods.

"What happens if mummy says no?" The little girl asks and Ivan smiles.

"Then you'll never see mummy again." Ivan says. The girl had a quick flash back to seeing the King slapping the Queen across the face. When Ivan stands and turns to leave he looks over his shoulder. "Make sure you aren't late for the boat to Hearts." Ivan left. Roderich was still in the room though. The girl had another flash back to when Ivan had left the battered and bruised Queen on the ground.

"Are you alright? I know it seems hard but you can do it." Roderich says encouragingly. The girl gives him a soft smile.

"It's not that, but thank you." She smiles and skips out of the room. Roderich follows her and helps her put on a large jacket and hop on a horse.

"Be as fast as you can. When you get on the boat sell the horse and take the money, then ditch those clothes and put on these clothes. When you reach Hearts make your way to the castle as fast as you can." Roderich says as he hands over a small satchel that held some torn and dirtied clothes that were most likely two sizes too small for the girl. She nods before turning and leaving the castle. She looks over her shoulder as she gulps nervously. She didn't want to fail the King. She didn't want to never see her mother again; so as she turned to face forward she decides to do everything she can to know everything about King Ludwig of Hearts.

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