Invisible Nightmares

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Nightmares, as a child it will be what lingers in your bedroom closet. As a pre teen, it will be whether or not the boy in room 248, three classrooms across from home room will notice you at school. And if he does, he might make fun of you. But as a teen, it's getting your precious grades dropped. However, as an adult, it is so much more, much more disasters, much more scares. After all parents have invisible nightmares.

Julia Jones worries about her mother when she starts to talk to herself. Laughing during random moments, having conversations with thin air. One night Julia has a nightmare that when she turns 30 and has children of her own, her mother isn't herself. She is listening to random voices in her head. And kills her children.

Waking up in sweat, Julia grows worried for her mothers sanity.

Five years have gone by and the voices haven't stopped, yet her mother insists that she is fine.
Her 30th birthday arrives and her children come. On her 31st birthday, she believes her mother has truly became insane.

Forgetting about the dream, Julia is confused when she comes home to no noise at all. She turns the corner to see her mother sleeping in a rocking chair, a dead babysitter, and a broken baby monitor.

Trampling upstairs, she sees her children slaughtered in their cribs and a message on the wall written with a dried red stain. Blood.
Julia knew who had killed her family right when she read the message.

Sorry the voices told me to.

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