My Best Friend

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Everyone has a best friend. It could be a boy or a girl. They could live half way across the world. They could be someone you met online, or someone you met at school. My point is that everyone has a best friend. But mine, my best friend is special. She loves me for who I am, or so I thought. Her name is Ramiyah. She has black, curly hair and always has black lines under eyes. She doesn't ever smile. She smiled at least twice when we were together. She used to lived in Minnesota but now lives in Colorado. I used to miss her, but only sometimes. Sometimes she can be mean. Sometimes I hate her. I used to love Ramiyah. But now I want her dead. You see, my best friend used to live in my house. She grew up in my room, and then her dad came home one night. He was drunk and upset. It was raining outside and he crashed into a car. Ramiyah's dad killed the other person, but he still ran. The cops came to his house, looking for him. He didn't know what to do. So he killed Ramiyah. She was so vulnerable, so weak. She couldn't defend herself. That was 60 years ago. No one bought the house after the incident. It was said to be haunted. Everyone avoided the house, until my family came along. My mom fell in love with the way the house looked. The wood, the roof, the yard, the basement. The old vibe to it. She didn't care that someone died in the home, she became obsessed. So my only option was to live there. I moved into Ramiyah's old room. I had no clue that someone had died in the house, I didn't know I slept in the bed that Ramiyah was killed in. I didn't know that she was dead. Until she told me. I ignored her for a month after. I didn't want to talk to her. She lied to me. I was best friends with a ghost. I loved a ghost. It wasn't until after the accident did I realize she never loved me the way I loved her. She was my best friend, yet she planned on killing me. It's strange, sometimes I think about what if my dad just told my mom no. What would have happened if he just said that the house wasn't right for them. Would I still be the same. Well of course I would have, but I didn't like thinking about the possibility that I was still alive. When Ramiyah died, she told me she didn't know she was dead. She thought everyone was just ignoring her. She said it wasn't until she saw her body that she knew her life was over. I never understood what she meant by that. But now I know. Ramiyah killed me. But I didn't know I was dead. Until I saw her, alive and well. She tricked me. She took my soul. My best friend killed me. But that was 30 years ago. Now I just need to wait until a new family moves in. So I can become friends with that person. So I can take their soul, just like Ramiyah took mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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