Creamy Hugs

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I always hated hugging people. When family would come up to me and hold you so tight that you couldn't breathe, it irritated me so much. However I loved ice cream, and my mother would only let me get ice cream if I hugged some sort of relative. As I got older, I bought my own ice cream and stopped hugging people. Never had I gathered friends or dates. A lonely girl, only because I wouldn't hug or make any contact with anyone. Everyone grew worried for my social life, but I didn't care. I spoke with others, being an outcast, yes, but not a weird geek with absolutely NO friends. As I grew older and older, I was going to move out soon. I needed a small loan, so I worked at an ice cream shop down the road. I loved my job and knew a lot of the customers. My social life went up and I started making more contact with others, still hating hugs.

One nights as I was closing the shop up, I heard crying. I went to go look and saw a girl crying. It was late at night so I thought she had gotten lost.
"Hi sweetie, why are you weeping?"
"My ice cream was broken!" She exclaimed with a sad look. I didn't really care, but with a fake smile and a silent groan, I went and got her more ice cream. I rolled my eyes at the girls sparkling eyes as we sat down together.
"Can I have a hug?" She asks me, voice filled with hope. I flinch at the word.
"Hun, it's late, lets get you home!" I say quickly not hesitating to change the subject.
"Why'd you ignore me?" She asks swiftly.
"Fine," my cold voice must have shocked her. I go in for an uncomfortable squish, but feel weak. I fall down to the ground and moan in pain. I crawl onto my knees to look for the little girl, but to see the little squirt missing. Looking around frantically, I jump up, very weakly and lock the door inside the ice cream parlor. After cleaning up, I call my mum to pick me up. Climbing in the back seat, like a child, I ride home in silent, with wide eyes.

Still not knowing what, had happened that night, I quit my job and went to college soon after. I will never forget that sudden feeling of pain, like a knife was stabbed into me, then being zapped. I wonder if that's how the random scar was created on my left hip. I've never made any self-contact after that incident. Shaking hands, at least. I've never hugged anyone ever again, still terrified of that creamy hug.

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