Chapter 1

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Hello there.
This is my second story to have written. It is a Multi-Fanfic and I do apologise if it is a bit strange, but then again if you have read How About a New Avenger you may be used to that already. :D
Anyway thanks for reading as always.

Bang! Another hole in the smiley face. Bang! One less eye on the wallpaper. Bang! Bang! Bang! The last of the bullets hit the wall. Mrs Hudson ran up the stairs to see the man who had made the noise.

He sat in his chair, slumped over with his lanky legs stretched out in front of him. He looked up at Mrs Hudson and smirked.

"Oh, Sherlock. I wish you wouldn't put holes in my wall!" She cried as she saw the state of the object in question. Sherlock groaned, then proceeded to reload the gun and fir at the wall again. "Sherlock!" Mrs Hudson gasped as she turned to leave. "I will be having words with your mother." She threatened and finally went back down the stairs to her flat.

Sherlock sighed feeling a little less bored. "You can leave your room, you know" He called down the hall. The flat fell silent once again before bare feet on wooden floor boards could be heard. The door on the left of the hall creaked as it opened.

A young girl walked out, she too was dressed in a light dressing gown in lounge pants and a shirt. Her face was pale in contrast to her long, slightly curled, black hair that reached down to her mid-back. Electric blue streaked through it. She had bright blue eyes that seemed to hold a storm with in them. She was every inch her father's daughter.

"Are you finished putting holes in Smite?" She asked. Her voice caught slightly at the end. The only sign of emotion as she faced her father.

"Eleki, would you like to shoot 'Smite', as you so call the painted smiley face on the wall?" Sherlock asked, his voice mocking her slightly.

She smiled, after glaring at him, and took the gun from him. Then aimed at the wall. Just as she was about to fire, a breathless John burst in through the door. Close behind was Lestrade.

Sherlock frowned at the entrance to the flat where his friends stood. "Where?" Sherlock said flatly.

"How...39th St Louis Place." Lestrade said whilst taking deep breaths. "Will you come?"

Sherlock thought for a moment then spoke. "I will follow in a cab, a police car would only make me a fool."

"May I come?" The girl called. She had thought this through, she had been to several murder scenes in the past right from when she was a child. But her father had recently been refusing to let her go to any.

Everyone turned to look at Sherlock waiting for his decision. Finally he nodded, "But only if you go with Lestrade." Sherlock conditioned.

The girl nodded and turned to grab her long trench coat from the door. Simultaneously throwing her father's coat and scarf at him in the process.

"Right then Electra, come with me." Lestrade said and then left the flat heading down the stairs with the girl in tow.

Sherlock and John stood there for a moment, in silence. Sherlock moved to the window to watch as his daughter got into the front passenger seat of Lestrade unmarked police vehicle.

The Wolf and The Soldier {Multi-fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now