Chapter 3

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I am very sorry for not having put up this chapter. I have had sooo much school work that actually finding time to write this has been very hard. I have tried to give a little bit of unknown spontaneity in there for Sherlock and there is a special appearance of a certain grumpy mutant in a bar. Sooo very sorry but will try and update when I can so it will not be a weekly thing probably more like once a month than anything else. Hope you have been enjoying so far and continue to do so.


~ ~ ~ John's P.O.V ~ ~ ~

It had been over 3 months after Moriarty had left, taking Shadow and Eleki with him. Greg was sat on the couch, trying to set up a search to find Moriarty. Sherlock was being absolutely useless, but to be fair he had just lost his daughter to his enemy. Mycroft had left about half an hour ago after looking through files for hours on end, searching for places Moriarty could be hiding.

I had explained to Greg the situation but left out the part of Eleki being a werewolf as I wasn't sure how he would react to it. I groaned as my laptop came up with a blank on a mobile signal for Eleki's mobile. It was the fifth time it happened in the last hour alone. I know I have to stay strong and look like there's hope but so far that's proving harder than I thought.

"Sherlock have you found a case yet?" I called from the kitchen to the sitting room where Sherlock was in his mind palace. Uneaten plates of food dotted around him like mines on a battlefield. There was no reply, there never was these days. I sighed, I needed to get Sherlock thinking about something else, a case would be the perfect opportunity to do that.

Lestrade walked into the kitchen at that point. Dark lines beneath his eyes, hair turning grayer every day. "John, I've had a call. The chief of police at Scotland Yard is calling off the search. I'm sorry." Lestrade spoke quietly resting a hand on my shoulder. Trying to offer at least some sort of comfort from the news just given to me.

"Thanks Greg for everything you've done. Let me know if you get any cases, I'll see if Sherlock will want to do some." I said whilst giving a sad smile. The last bit of hope that had slowly been diminishing had finally run out. "I'll let Mrs Hudson know." I powered down my laptop and stood, going to follow Greg down the stairs and into Mrs Hudson's flat.

As we passed through the sitting room, the black leather chair was empty. I groaned internally. He must have heard Greg and was probably on a war path, meaning that anyone who pissed him off was in danger. "Can you talk to Mrs Hudson please? I have to call Mycroft and then go on a hunt to find Sherlock." I said calmly turning towards Greg, trying to contain my panic. Greg nodded and then left quickly.

What if Sherlock killed someone? What if he got himself killed? All the worse possibilities of what could happen to him swarmed in my head like wasps. I shook my head vigorously, trying to shake those thoughts and focus on the positives. I took my phone off the desk and called Mycroft.

"Mycroft, Sherlock has gone missing." I stated down the phone.

"Is his phone there?" The clipped answer replied.

"Yes along with his laptop."

"Did he take his coat and scarf?" Mycroft spoke worry filling his voice. If he knew Sherlock, it was that he never left his coat and scarf behind.

"No," That was my reply. It was all that needed to be said. I sat down on my chair and waited for the reply. Silence.

Then after a long pause, "I'll be right over." And the line went dead. I placed my phone on the arm of the couch and thought about the next move. If Sherlock had told us anything it was that he didn't want to be found and that he was furious. He was probably have his own type of mental break down out there on the streets of London. This worried me.

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