Chapter 9

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~ ~ ~ Eternity's P.O.V. ~ ~ ~

I growled. The pale light of the moon lit the ground and cast beams in through ragged cloths that covered broken windows. Several men cowered in the corner of the derelict barn. I smirked as the grown men cowered in my presence. One tried to intimidate me, letting their fangs drop down, hissing at me in the hopes that I would back down.

"Winchester! I got 6 vamps in the corner. You want them dead or alive?" I yelled towards the front of the barn. Dean and I had gone to investigate the barns at the farm where the murders had taken place. Sam and Dean had posed as FBI agents whilst I simply slipped by unnoticed in the shadows by the site of the crime.

A yell answered me, "Kill all but the leader." I gave a low laugh as the Vampires in front of me coward more at the words.

"Which of you is leader? I can find out in a bloodier way if need be but I really don't want to get blood on my trench coat, I just got the last lot off." I gave a genuine smile as they all whimpered more.

None of them moved. I grinned maliciously at them, finally I can spill some blood, it has been so long since I got to fight. "Right then, which one of you wants to go first?" I said as I pulled one of my black alloy (Adamantium and Vibranium alloy, it's a long story) katanas from its sheath.

My amber eyes searched each quivering face. I harshly pulled at a woman who was trying to hide behind one of the males. Her scent suggested she was the newest member and therefore wouldn't be the leader. She struggled but a short growl from me stilled her, I rose my blade to her neck and made a thin cut to show a thin stream of blood, the males all backed up more, all except one. He took a step forward.

"Please put the blade down. I am the leader, please leave my nest be." He spoke cautiously with his hands raised in a supposed calming position as if he was trying to show he was no threat.

I could feel Dean watching me from just around the corner to see what I would do. I smiled as I lowered the blade and roughly pushed the woman back towards the other men.

"How many of you are there in the area?"

"It is just us. We have been here less than a month after an escape from hunters in New York. I'm sorry for the disturbance, we only meant to feed off the cattle not the people. But a few, " He glared at a few of the younger men, "had other ideas and disobeyed and therefore will pay the price. I see that you are of darkness like us, so I hope you will let us deal with the punishment of those that betrayed and not make us all pay the price for the actions of a few." He looked at me, hope in his eyes as he spoke.

I thought about the idea but I hadn't killed in so long and it was growing like a craving. He claimed I was of darkness, oh how wrong he was. My smile grew and my amber eyes glowed.

"You claim to be like me, made of darkness. I am not made of darkness, I am the Darkness." The leader expression fell. "Sadly, for you, I have not felt the rush of a kill in too long. Have a nice time in Purgatory!" I replied in a sweet voice. All the vampires began to quiver and tried to run.

I the space of a few seconds, blood splattered the walls and heads bounced and rolled through the mud and straw of the decrepit barn. I licked my lips and hummed at the metallic taste of blood.

I turned to face Dean, who had stepped out from the corner of the barn, his expression was one of shock. "You killed all of them without an inch of concern or sympathy! How could you?"

"They are monsters that deserve to be in Purgatory. I know I am a monster but that is how I was made, and I take pride in my ability to kill. Tell me Dean, after a week; of not killing anything, of not feeling warm blood on your skin and the feel of a blade slicing through flesh - can you think clearly, can you ignore the building of lust for that feeling of being the demise of something else? Can you?" My little speech left him lost for words. I left the barn after cleaning and sheathing my katana and clearing the blood from visible skin.

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