Chapter 5

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Hi all, very sorry for a late chapter. I am not following a publishing timetable because I don't think I would be able to cope. I am currently in my final year of GCSE's so revision takes priority over wattpad at the moment, but every chance I get I will write more chapters and post when they are done. Due to this the chapters will be posted once I have finished them. I am going to put the number of words at the end of each chapter so you know how long each one is.

Just so you know I have done some editing to the story description and title as it didn't match the story in my head. Please bear with me as if any of you do write I hope you'll understand how hard it is to write down what you see clearly enough for others to seeing as well.

So far the total word count for each chapter (not inc. notes) is: 13,364 on 25 pages (not inc. chapter 5)

chapter 1 = 8 pages, 4,274 words

chapter 2 = 7 pages, 3,496 words

chapter 3 = 6 pages, 2,803 words

chapter 4 = 6 pages, 2,806 words

Would love to hear what you think of the story so far,

Hope you enjoy Chapter 5



~ ~ ~ 3rd P.O.V. (SHIELD 2 years and 8 months later) ~ ~ ~

Everyone sat around the conference table. Silence. The echoing sound of keys being tapped. The sound of heavy booted footsteps heading towards the door. The people in the room glanced at one another. Why were they here? If it was something Tony had done, they would kill him. They had all made it very clear the last time. The door opened, revealing a man in a black leather trench coat. A black eye-patch over his left eye.

"Glad to see your all here." The man spoke, his eye glaring at a man with a goatee in the corner. His feet on the table and black sunglasses covering his eyes. Eye-patch guy walked over slowly to the man. He seemed asleep. "Stark you better not be sleeping!" The man yelled. Making almost everyone jump. Stark was jolted by the sudden noise, and fell off his chair. The sound of a click and a flash, signaled a picture being taken.

"That is going to the papers" A women smirked, a man chuckled beside her.

"Hey that's not fair. I'll have you know, Romanoff, I was up late last night trying to work out a new sustainable energy type that is affordable to the nation." Stark protested as he pulled himself up from the floor.

"You were drunk as hell last night. You didn't do any work at all." The woman accused, a smirk still on her face.

"You have no proof of that!" Stark yelled in return.

"Enough!" Eye-patch man roared. Obviously tired of the constant bickering. "You are all here for a mission. Stop acting like a child Stark. You were drunk and you were asleep. It is your own fault for the picture being taken. Now man up."

The room fell silent. No one dared to look at the Eye-patch man. "I need you to bring in Dark Wolf. She has been causing quite some trouble. All of you will need to work together on this. She is clever and her abilities are unknown." The eye-patch man started speaking in a more professional manner. He placed a manila file on the table. "We don't know who she is, where she's come from, or what she can do. I believe, Romanoff, you have encountered her before on a protection mission."

Romanoff glanced up at the eye-patch man. Unsure on what he was trying to do. "Director, I believe that is level 9 classified information. Not everyone is level 9 in the room." She tried to come up with an excuse. She didn't want to admit that failure to the team, especially with Stark in the room.

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