Chapter 7

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Please don't kill me! *hides behind chair*

I'm very sorry for the long and frankly irregular gaps between chapter's but in all fairness I am in the middle of my GCSE's so cut me some slack.

I hope you are all enjoying the story and if there are any parts that confuse you please point them out as I can then clarify any mistakes that I have made, or bits where in my head the section is finished but on the page it hasn't been finished.

Again please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes as I am yet to proof read my story.

As always thanks for reading and hope you enjoy,


~ ~ ~ Eternity's P.O.V (After memory) ~ ~ ~

As the memory faded and Shadow coaxed me forward, I felt the darkness trying to comfort me. When I slept, Shadow would protect me along with the blackness that I control. They always made sure no more pain could be added to my own personal mountain. My body didn't need to sleep or eat (the scientists made sure of that); however, this means my slowly returning memories attack in waves like an army towards a stronghold, whenever the wall holding them back cracks and crumbles a little bit more.

I opened my eyes, a feeling of security flooded me at seeing the sphere of black surrounding myself. Nothing could get through that and I mean nothing. Nukes had been tested against the power of the darkness and it never faltered against any weapon thrown its way. As my breathing slowed and my heart beat decreased, from a sprint to an even walk, the black cleared (having deemed me capable of my own protection but ready at a moment notice if I called upon its strength) to reveal the library of the bunker.

My brow creased in confusion. Hadn't the tables been in the centre; shaded lamps above seasoned and varnished oak; shelves filled with musty old stories standing like an extra wall around the tables trying to tempt a person to open their pages and uncover their secrets? Where was Crowley, the angel trying to be a human and the two brothers of kindness and mistrust. They were there when Shadow stepped forth to take the reins?

Slowly standing to my feet, wary of every tiny noise in the secretive bunker, I scanned the scene layer out before me. I observed that everything was pushed away from me. I was the centre of the destruction, I was the cause. What if I killed them? The only ones I can ever remember being kind towards me since Snowy was sent away. My mind raced with all the horrors that might have happened to them but mainly Crowley. He had given me the means; such as more advanced fighting styles from war criminals long since dead that had been twisted to demons by Hell for me to train under and power development with the darkness I could control. He had become a father figure to me, one that I didn't want to lose.

Destruction. Why did I cause so much damage? So much pain? Even when I created things I had to kill or cause pain to something alive. Everything I created that was not made to kill had to have something die in its place. Whether that was physical or mental was up to how long I needed it for or its purpose. Something like a blade or a gun could kill and so they were fine but something as innocent as a flower needed a destroyed memory to exist.

All this thinking brought tears. At first a lone drop of salty water, creating a pathway for the rest to follow, traveled from my amber wolf eyes down my ghostly cheek to fall from cold skin to hardened and stained flooring. As soon as it had finished its journey from life to death, the rest shortly followed. Raging forth like a tsunami on land, crumpling my body to a heap on the floor once more.

The familiar tingle of my abilities spread through my fingers. Shadow formed beside me, placing his head against my cheek and growling softly as reassurance that I would be okay in the end, that I would surface from this pain to bear the weight of it through thick and thin. My power allowed for physical comfort at times of high emotion when simple words and feelings were not enough to calm the bubbling feelings. I curled my pale fingers into his dark coat, feeling the softness and smelling the scent of fresh pine and oak as well as the musk of dear. He nuzzled my cheek as I cried, head tucked from the view of anyone who may still be alive after all the destruction and chaos I had caused.

The Wolf and The Soldier {Multi-fanfic}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum