Chapter 10

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Sorry for the long wait guys. I've been busy and had personal things going on and unfortunately the story has suffered. But anyway, nice long chapter for you. Just as a warning the files took me ages to do and I really hope they're accurate due to how long it took. If you can let me know if there's anything wrong with the info in them that would be great! 

Hope you enjoy!


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~ ~ ~ Avenger's HQ ~ ~ ~ 3rd P.O.V ~ ~ ~

"Director Fury, Sir. The signal has been lost for months now. There is no record of it. Agents have been to scenes where a signal was picked up but found nothing. The only thing found has been that around the time of the signal detections there was a crime involving several deaths and some FBI agents turning up each time.

"Some agents pulled up their identities. It's the same two men each time, but with each scene they have used different names. There appears to also be a rather confusing history with the two. We ran a facial scan and corresponded the data with our systems. We have a match, Sir. It's the Winchester's. Only issue is that our records say they should be dead." A young agent addressed the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the findings.

"Get me Romanoff and Barton. Put all the info you've found into a file, codename Dark Assassin, and bring it to my desk stat." Fury ordered. Still facing the window and staring at the city infront of them.

10 minutes later and a knock resounded at Fury's door. "Enter" he called.

Two people walked in. A woman with shoulder length red hair that curled in waves and green eyes, who wore a black S.H.I.E.L.D uniform with thigh holsters holding fully loaded handguns and her signature wrist bands that held her widow bites and tasers, and a man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes who held a back quiver of arrows and a collapsing bow. A smirk covered his face.

"You called" Barton spoke as he and his partner stood to attention facing their boss.

"Yes, I have a mission for you. Level 8 clearance only. You are to track down the Winchester's and bring in their little friend who has peaked S.H.I.E.L.D. interest. Their file will be waiting on your jet. Wheels up in 20."

"Yes, Sir." the two agents responded before heading to their quarters to pack for their flight.

20 minutes later and the two assassins were strapping in and taking off from the helicarrier launch pad and heading out for their mission. Barton flew the jet whilst Nat read out the file.

File: X1-709A

Name: Dean Winchester

DoB: January 24, 1979

Status: Deceased

Associates(alive): Sam Winchester (brother, younger), Bobby SInger (surrogate father), Castiel (best friend), Crowley (friend), Charlie Bradbury (friend)

Occupation: Man of Letters (American division), Hunter

Abilities: None

Appearance: Green eyes, light freckles, short cropped dark blonde hair, 6'1" and muscular. Often seen in a business suit or plaid shirt over a t-shirt, jeans, combat boots, leather jacket. Also wears an amulet around the neck of a bull head attached by a black cord.

Personality: understanding, funny, mischievous, a little immature, "Raised like a warrior", uses crude humour/pop culture references, makes sexual innuendos, values family safety and civilians over everything else even his own life, keeps himself in excellent physical shape but is known to have bad eating habits. Typically ruthless and aggressive whilst hunting, approaches hunting with enthusiasm, more merciless of the Winchester siblings. When not hunting he is laid-back and well-disposed

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