Chapter 6

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Eternity followed the Winchesters back to their motel room to spy on them for a little fun. However when an angel (a friend of the Winchester brothers named Castile) pops up he finds her lurking in the shadow. It isn't long before questions start to be flung around and the most important to the three men (well two and an angel) is:

"Who are you?"

~~~ Eternity's P.O.V. ~~~

Why that question? Why do people want to know who others are? It will make no difference to their lives, so why does it matter? Eternity, who had been slowly relaxing in the space of these strangers, tensed once again. She pointed her blade to Cas. There was something unearthly about him. He seemed to radiate purity and light, the opposite to Eternity's darkness.

"You should know, you were calling me a Freak not two minutes ago." She spat towards the trenchcoated man. "You reek of purity, of light. People like you have tried to kill me, step closer and you will find yourself struggling to breath. And I won't even lift a finger." Her voice was laced with venom, however the only sign of emotion on her face was an arched eyebrow.

Sam slowly inched his way to the fallen gun, hoping the strange women wouldn't notice. She did. But surprisingly did nothing about it. This caught the attention of the trenchcoated man; Cas saw the hostile being in front of him actually relax slightly once Sam had clasped his hands around the gun. This was most certainly an odd thing.

After a few moments of silence the woman spoke again. "Well, are you going to just stand there, or are you going to shoot me?" There was no venom in her voice, only curiosity. "If it makes you feel better I won't do anything. I'm getting bored, so can someone please shoot me before night comes knocking once more." Her tone more bored than anything else.

"Why would we shoot you?" Dean spoke, the tip of the sword barely inches away from his neck. "You've not actually hurt us and was only driven to this course of action because I spoke wrong. Why should we?" At this point Sam spotted the bullet hole in her shoulder, a dark liquid slowly sibling down the folds of fabric.

"You're hurt. We can help." Sam stated plainly, trying to hide the fear that was slowly boiling in the pit of his stomach. At this Eternity was confused, she had not been shown kindness of this sort in a very long time.

Everyone noticed this freeze in stature. Cas took the opportunity to grabe the blade holding him back and pin the girl to the wall, releasing Dean to move freely. He was quick to grab a pair of cuffs with both demon and angel sigils on to restrain the girl that had intruded from the shadows not long ago.

"I know what you are." She stated simply, her once low towards Cas. "Would've thought you would recognise the metals in my blades, Angel." She taunted, Cas was starting to get irritated by the girl but refused to act until told by one of the brothers. Dean snapped the cuffs on the girls pale wrists, frowning when he saw the pale scars from beneath the black cloth.

"Sit." It was not a suggestion but an order, this made Eternity angry. A spark ignited in her eyes, the last person to give her an order almost killed her. It wouldn't happen again. Not if she anything to say about it. Sam approached Eternity. He seemed cautious of her, the same way a hunter's cautious of a caged animal that may attack at any moment.

"Cas, to the bunker please. Sammy, you drive." Dean's gruff voiced filled the now silent room. He chucked Sam keys, then grabbed his bag that had been packed on the bed. Cas moved closer to the girl, placing a hand on both Dean and Eternity, they teleported to 'the bunker'.

Eternity had been teleporting for a long time, so the experience of stretching from one place to another was not new, she usually found it comforting. But the angels teleporting was filled with bright lights that danced and swirled around the small group. This was the opposite to her teleportation, of all darkness, that she loved so much.

The Wolf and The Soldier {Multi-fanfic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora