[9] Origins

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I scan the room in confusion. The sound of voices drifting in and out as I search my surroundings. I run my fingers over a solid wood desk. It's old. In fact this whole place is showing it's age. I search the desk for clues my eyes landing on a  cream colored file with big black bold letters covering the front.

'Delta' I scoop up the file, studying it first before digging into it. I flip to the third page before the sound of footsteps fall into sync with one another. I curse underneath my breath, setting the file back onto the desk. Two medium size figures walk into the room laughing.

I keep my mouth in a straight line as I watch them walk past me. Almost like I'm not here. I glance at one of them. He's tall, with jet black hair and blue eyes. He smiles at the older one. A smile that is haunting.

I beam at him as I notice his uniform. Military. But not just any military uniform. It's German. The older one moves closer to the desk, picking up the file before holding it against his chest.

"Carter." The voice is colder, "You do know why we are doing this? Don't you?"

My mouth goes dry. I stare at the both of them as I realize this isn't a flashback. It's a memory. But it's not my memory. It's my fathers.

"Yes, father." He grabs the file from his father as he turns towards the door.

"Elias," I turn my attention towards the new figure as he salutes my grandfather. My face goes blank as I stare at the him. Jason Grimm. "Mr. Ryker and his sons are here."

Jason. I feel my body go completely numb as I try to speak. But nothing comes out. I watch as three more people step into the now small room. My heart pumps against my chest as I feel a panic attack coming on.

"Mr. Hyde. Carter. It's an honor." The older man speaks as he shakes both my fathers and grandfathers hand.

I stare at the two young men. They can't be older than twenty-five. They look like each other. The same light blue eyes. Brothers.

"These are my sons." He replies, "Rais and Milos."

Milos takes the first step towards my father and grandfather. His eyes shinning with honor as he shakes both of their hands. I stare at Rais his eyes set directly on me. He turns his head to glare at his father. His father nods at him. Rais shrugs, taking a couple of steps towards my father and his brother.

He shakes their hands firmly. My father and grandfather smile at his attempt. I watch as Mr. Ryker takes a long step towards Rias. His left hand wrapping around Rais bicep. His fingers digging into his white button up shirt. Rais face scrunches up but he doesn't say a word as his father whispers in his ear.

"Your country will be proud of you. This is a big honor." My grandfather replies as he looks directly at Rais and his father. "A win for Germany."

Jason walks across the floor his, foot steps echoing across the room. Drowning out the sound of the rain. "Operation Delta . The first super soldiers. Well, at least here."

"Here?" Milos questions as he looks at Rais. "There's more?"

Jason gives them a sly smile before my father speaks up. I feel a cold chill run across my face as he speaks.

"Captain America. We plan to up him. Something stronger, faster, smarter... something more powerful then anybody has ever seen." I clench my jaw at his words.

"Eden." I snap my head in the direction of my name.

Nothing but complete silence.

"Eden." I turn my head in the other direction.

Nothing again. I freeze in place as my vision starts to blur.


Cold creeps its way through my body as I hear my name again. I stare into nothing but white. My heart slamming against my chest as I start to panic.

"Eden?" The voice is off in the distance.

I jolt up. Water flying every where as I try to catch my breath. Choking in the process. My heart continues to beat against my ribs as I look around the room. My eyes landing on a familiar figure. My father. I look at him up and down as a flash of worry fills his eyes.

He's wearing causal clothing. Something that doesn't happen often. He wears all black, his long black shirt is rolled up as he holds onto me. His facial expression softening as he looks down at me. I shiver in place as I glance down to see that I'm in a long metal tub.

"Thought we lost you there for a moment." He final says stepping away from the tub, and for the first time in a long time I actually think he means it.

I take a minute to let my heart calm down as I take a breather. My father throws a grey towel in my direction. Letting me know he wants me out.

"Good to know you might actually care." I reply bitterly, stepping out of the tub and onto the cool concrete floors.

I catch my fathers eyes. A quick glance of hurt, but it fades. "I do. I need to know my asset is fine and unharmed. We don't need another killed. Especially with what happened with Mia."

I flinch at her name. Guilt filling my heart. I didn't protect her like I should have. Even though I don't remember much about her. I can tell that I cared about her. But her death wasn't an accident.

It was on Jason.

"Your powers." My father mentions, catching my attention as he holds a file in his hands. "I thought you might want to know. At least what you can do."

I narrow my eyes at the file. Furrowing my eyebrows together as I try to wrap my mind around what he's doing. I glance up at him. Our eyes meet for a couple of seconds. A question hanging between us. Why now?

My father clears his throat before slipping me the file. And with that the door to the large room slams shut. The sound of his footsteps only a distance memory. I grip the folder tight, my eyes locking onto it with interest. Here it is.

The truth. Of what I really can do. What I was. What I am.

I open the file, a picture falls out. Causing my attention to go directly towards my feet. I pick the cool photo up against my finger tips. My eyes studying the black and white photo. Two familiar faces burn into my mind as I flip it over to the back.

My eyes running over the black ink. Milos and Rais Ryker. Berlin Germany, 1945.

I walk into my room, closing the door behind me. It locks. I move to my bed, setting the photo next to me as I scan the rest of the file. I skip through the file my eyes landing on the information I really need. Milos was frozen in November 22, 1963 in a hidden location. I skim through more of the file, landing on Rais information.

His powers involve. Strength, speed, intelligence, and fire. The same as Milos, minus the fire. I skim back to Milos reading through his powers tell I land on Ice. Fantastic. Brothers that are fire and ice.

I head back to Rais my eyes scanning his location. Alive but location Unknown. I wonder if Athena knows of them. I hear a soft tap against the floor. I snap my head in the direction it's coming from. It gets louder every second. I hurry, grabbing everything from the file and shoving it back into the creme like folder.

I slide it under my pillow, a couple of seconds later the metal door pops open. I stand up, pressing my body into the large glass window. The coldness of the glass cools down my heated body as I stare at Jason. He gives me a sly smile, before his eyes switch towards the other room.

We have a long night a head of us.


A/N- I hope this chapter made sense. There's only a few chapter left. I hope everybody enjoys their summer. Things are going to go down. Lots of Love- Tori

Dedicated to SaviorOfLives. Thanks for all the votes.

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