01 - When a Vampire is hungry

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It was a gloomy Monday. More gloomy than the normal Mondays, which was surprising itself. The air was eerie and the skies were filled with an ominous dark aura.

You were wandering on the streets of the city, your backpack slung on both your shoulders and your uniform neat and polished, shining in it's glory because of the expensive cloth. You were an honor student. No, you were not just an honor student. You were number one, in all of your classes and the whole school. Everyday felt like an episode from the Teletubbies. Nothing can ruin your day, particularly a day like this.

Humming to several songs, you find yourself in an unfamiliar street. As if you were a sore thumb, your ambiance was just too adorable and innocent for a dark place like this. People, who are either holding a beer bottle, a cigarette pack or just sitting aimlessly while wasted looked at you with a look that said you weren't supposed to be there.

Maybe I should turn back

You were about to head back when you saw a huge crowd of people gathering and running towards you. In panic, you ran ahead of them, looking back if they were still running. And they were. If felt like they were chasing you so you fastened your pace and tried to find an alley or a corner where you can hide cowardly.

You heard screams and you took a glimpse and gasped when you noticed they were only a few meters away. They were screaming incoherent things and you were more than afraid. Terrified.

When you thought of giving up, a hand clasped your elbow, pulling you to an alley you hardly noticed. You bumped into his chest, his grip tightening when the huge mob of people passed, screaming and yelling and as unbelievable as it is, they were holding pitch forks and torches, like in the movies, chasing a monster, a witch, a vampire.

You looked up and found two pairs of gleaming eyes staring at you with mischief. You got out of his grasp, avoiding his eyes by distracting yourself with the imaginary dirt on your uniform.

"What's a city girl doing here?" His voice was scruffy, as if he hadn't drink anything for a millennium.

You scrunched your eyebrows at his statement. You were sure you were in the heart of Seoul, walking and even had the nerve to try out dresses in some boutiques. The way he said it made you feel like you have walked yourself into an old town filled with mysteries and historic events. You haven't even walked for a full hour, your legs couldn't have brought you to a town that hardly existed.

"Ah,"He nodded his head and crossed his arms,"Kai must have messed with the city again. That idiot,"He mumbled to himself while chuckling.

"Look here, little girl,"He grabbed your attention, his pale skin giving off a radiant glow even though it was night time.

"Even if you don't believe me, I will tell you otherwise. This isn't Seoul anymore. You're in a village far off from the city, you can't get out of here," He explained while leaning on the brick wall.

You tried to process his words before you bursted out in laughter. You were laughing boisterously with your hands clutching your stomach in exaggeration.

He raised his eyebrow and took a menacing step, stopping you from your laughing fit and catching you off guard. You took in his height. He was really tall. His skin was pale. Whiter than yours and looked more softer too but his skin looked too pale for your liking.

"You were teleported in this shitty village and I'm hungry"

His statement couldn't make you anymore confused when he suddenly trapped you in a wall, your bag thrown off to the side, the contents spilling out. His frame leaned over your trembling body, his broad shoulders preventing you from seeing anything but himself.

"I'm hungry,"He whispered once more, leaning dangerously close to your face. "What should I do?"

"Y-You should eat,"You paused,"then...I have money. I-I can treat you..."You stuttered while uncomfortably avoiding his alluring gaze.

"What should I eat?"He asked, tilting his head and making eye contact with you again. He had a smirk on his face, his eyes wavering on your own.


"Well, you see, I don't eat food"

You stared at him in confusion and fear.

All of a sudden, his eyes turned blood red, fangs started to pop out, his smile becoming more menacing and his body turned cold, as if he was dead.

Before you could let out a blood curling scream, he leaned on your neck and his lips touched your skin, as if threatening you that he will bite. You closed your eyes and let your tears rolled down your face, extremely terrified and horrified to have encountered a mythical creature, a Vampire specifically.

"Please don't kill me,"Your voice shook with fear as you prayed in your mind.

"I'm hungry,"He whispered,"but I'm not going to kill you"

You opened your eyes and was surprised to see him back in his normal form. He was still towering over you but what bothered you the most was the scars and wounds that was on his neck, your gaze fixed on the bleeding wound.

He noticed you looking at his wound and right in front of you, his wound closed and his blood drawled back to his skin. The wound and scars disappeared and you couldn't be any more amazed.

"Wah,"An unnoticeable gasp escaped your lips.

He chuckled before stepping back.

"I'm Sehun,"He started,"I won't kill you if you do something for me"

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