02 - Xiumin and his son

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"I'm Sehun,"He started,"I won't kill you if you do something for me"

You were about to reply when a herd of people passed by, the same people earlier. Now that you were close to them, you could hear what they were shouting.

"Find the Vampire!"

"Protect the children! Vampires are evil!"

"Kill Sehun! Kill Sehun!"

Your eyes widened and you looked at Sehun, hoping to see some kind of reaction, maybe another transformation but you weren't expecting a laugh from him.

"Why do they want to kill you?" You asked, still peering over from the alley.

The people stopped and a man stood in front that looked like a stage, holding a torch. He must be the leader.

"Because they thought Vampires are dangerous,"He said while laughing even louder.

"Vampires are dangerous"

"Then go join them,"Sehun spat and sent you a glare. You were startled at his sudden outburst and avoided his glare.

"I didn't mean it like that,"You mumbled quietly.

"Then what did you mean?"

"It's just that...,"You tried to find the right words,"Vampires are normally a threat to humans"

"Just like how you got scared when you saw me"

"Yes,"You nodded unsure,"because we, humans think that you're out for our...err blood?"

He sent you a humorous smile before peering over your shoulder. You looked at him once more before looking at the commotion in front of you.

"I, Xiumin, will promise to rip out Sehun's heart and feed it to my dogs," He started with a deafening shout while raising his torch. The people followed and chanted Sehun's name as if it was a curse.

"He's the leader,"Sehun stated,"We fought once. I befriended his son, Luhan then he tried to kill me. He started going on about me planning to take his son away-"

"Were you?"You caught him off.

"No. He was the only one who never treated me illy,"Sehun responded quietly while giving you a second look.

"Anyway, he managed to convince everyone and then it started,"Sehun clicked his jaw in anger," The people started to kill the vampires"

"There were others?"

"Yes, a whole clan,"He said,"We were living here for centuries now until the war started. People started killing Vampires. We tried to fight them but they had the upper hand. One by one, our clan collapsed until I was the only one left"

You noticed his voice getting sadder and you turned to face him, his smirk no longer visible but instead was a frown on his face.

"How did you survive?"

"I hid,"He chuckled darkly.

"I hid while they warred. I was a coward,"He said.

You didn't know what to say. You wanted to comfort him but you didn't know how.

"Starting tomorrow, we will search every nook and cranny in this village for that Vampire. We will never stop because if we did,"Xiumin paused. He managed to grab the attention of the both of you,"because if we did, I wouldn't even know what would happen to us" The crowd cheered and you huff in anger, maybe even annoyance.

Slowly, the crowd dispersed until it became silent. Only the crickets, the dogs howling from afar and both your breaths were filling your ears. It was deafening.

"What should I do?" You asked after contemplating.

Sehun smirked at you before motioning you to follow him. You sighed and grabbed your bag, hastily pushing the contents inside and slinging it on your back. You ran after Sehun and watched his back, with the shirt he was wearing, it was possible for his back to look attractive. Isn't it?

After a few minutes of walking, trying to catch up with his long strides, both of you stopped at a shack. It looked old, like it has been standing for hundreds of years. The wood looked like it could break any minute and the roof wasn't making you feeling any better. You were uneasy but followed Sehun anyway.

The door creaked when Sehun opened it. Standing while holding the door, he gave you a smile, a genuine one and gestured his hand to the rest of his house.

"Welcome,"He gleamed.

You stepped up and flinched when you heard an unwanted crack below you.

"Don't worry, it won't give out. It has been standing for over 345 years,I doubt it will give out now,"Sehun reassured.

You didn't know what boggled your mind. The fact that the house was 345 years old or the fact that Sehun had lived longer than 300 years.

You reluctantly sat on the couch, setting your bag beside you and admiring the sturdy wood even though it looked like termites had fun feeding off of it.

"So,"Sehun started while sitting next to you, the bag separating your bodies from touching.

"What should I do so you won't kill me?"You asked bluntly.

"I need you,"Sehun paused,"to let me feed on you""


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