05 - Tao the loser and Kris the artist

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Sehun and Kai joined the group of men. They stood in line with arrogant smirks on their faces.

You were completely entranced by them. All of them were handsome, extremely handsome and you couldn't comprehend what you were feeling.

"Meet my friends,"Sehun spoke as he pointed to them.

"H-Hello,"You said and bowed.

"She's really cute,"One of them commented which made you blush really hard.

"Yeah where did you get her?"Another one asked as he stepped forward making you take a step back.

"This pretty lady belongs to me now,"Sehun paused as he chuckled,"I found her wandering in town yesterday"

"She's not from here, is she?"

"Nope,"Sehun said and went towards you, throwing his arm around your shoulder.

"How did she even get here?"Kai asked.

"You idiot, you sent her here!"

"No I didn't"Kai argued back while crossing his arms.

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did. Just admit it you liar,"Sehun whined.


"I'm not lying! I was fighting with EXO-M's loser, Tao yesterday! I was nowhere near her"

"Wait,"One of them stepped up,"You fought with Tao?"

Kai closed his eyes and sighed, surrendering his hands in defeat.

"I did but he started it!"

"And how did he actually started it?"

"Did he call you a black kid again?"Sehun asked as he tried to contain his laughter. You elbowed him for asking such a rude question.

"No!"Kai pouted yet again,"He did something even worse"

"Kai, whatever is, you should know not to fight with him,"One of them sighed.

"That's Suho,"Sehun whispered to you.

You nodded and memorized his features.

Okay. Short. Handsome. Blonde.

"Did you made him cry?"Another one asked as he patted Kai's shoulder.

"And that's Baekhyun,"Sehun pointed.

Cute. Short. Brown hair. Is that--eyeliner?

"I did--"

One of them cut Kai off as he gasped incredulously.

"He's going to tell Kris again,"He said.

"That tower's name is Chanyeol. Be careful of him,"Sehun warned.

Handsome. Big ears. Extremely tall. Deep voice.

"Tao probably told Kris already,"Suho sighed,"Better prepare the traps. He might come and attack us again just because we made their maknae cry"

"Why are all of you scolding me?,"Kai whined,"It wasn't my fault. He started it. He called Kyungsoo hyung an owl and I just can't stand it"

"Stop being gay, Kai,"The last one spoke while rolling his eyes.

"And that's Kyungsoo,"Sehun said.

Short. Handsome. Big eyes. Black hair.

"I'm not gay,"Kai huffed,"I just don't like it when he picks on you--or how he makes fun of all of you"

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