03 - Vampires have periods

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"Let me feed on you,"He repeated with authority.

You stood up and looked at him with disbelief.

"That's the same as killing me then,"You shouted.

You were planning on something. A devious plan but you didn't know if you could really pull it off.

You were going to tell him. Yes, you were going to tell Xiumin and you better do it quick.

You ran but before you could even have a chance at touching the door, Sehun blocked you, using his otherworldly speed. The welcoming and friendly aura he showed you was gone. You saw anger.

His eyes turned red as he gripped your wrist and pulled you to him.

"Should I just get over with it and kill you now?"He seethed as his fangs grew, a clenching sound terrifyingly entering your ears.

"N-No,"You ended up crying as you beg,"I'm sorry. Please don't kill me,"You sobbed and you dropped down, your knees getting weaker from the overwhelming fear you were feeling.

Sehun looked at you, his grip on your wrist growing tighter as he stared at your defeated figure. He listened to your sobs and it lasted for a few minutes before you completely went silent.

"Let me feed on you,"He said, more like commanded.

"I want to go home,"You looked up at him with teary eyes.

"Well you can't,"Sehun said while letting go of your wrist. He turned to the door and grabbed hold of the knob. Giving enough strength, he crushed the doorknob until it looked like a mush of iron.

You knew there was no way out.

Sehun turned back to you and sat in front, licking his teeth from the inside and entertaining himself with a rock that somehow got into the house. He ignored the grumbling of his stomach and waited for you to say anything.

"Why can't I go home?"You questioned after a few minutes of silence.

"Because Seoul doesn't exist,"Sehun answered nonchalantly.

Your eyes widened as you tried to comprehend what he said.

"But I thought you said we were just far off from the city. When you said I can't get out,I thought you meant there were no buses in service right now,"You anxiously said, trying to convince yourself that this was a prank and you just caught him red handed.

"Okay, I lied,"He raised his hands up in surrender.


"I lied about the village being far off from the city,"He said and smiled humorously,"In fact, you're nowhere near your home. Wait, you don't have a home anymore" Sehun laughed out loud.

"Unless, you want to call this,"He motioned to his shack,"Your home...I wouldn't mind living with you,"He sent you a boyish grin.

Your hand had a mind of it's own. The deafening 'pak!' filled the house. You shield away in terror after realizing what you had done. You were just caught up in your train of thoughts. How? Why? What?

The questions were ticking you that you let your braveness come out which wasn't a good thing.

Sehun held his cheek, rubbing it and clenching his jaw. He wasn't hurt. It didn't hurt at all but he liked how fearful you looked after realizing what you have done. Maybe you were thinking, what goes around comes around.

A smile for a smile.

An insult for an insult.

A slap for a bite.

Sehun feigned pain and annoyance, silently enjoying your fearful look. It made him feel powerful, not the coward he really was.

"You know, you've only been here for 5 minutes and you've manage to convince me to kill you many times,"He enlightened as he stood up, grabbing your elbow and hoisting you up.

You were short and he enjoyed looking down on you.

"Should I just do it now?"He whispered, leaning in to you and placing his lips on your neck.

You breathed nervously while tears didn't stop from falling. You were sending prayers and you were saying good bye to several people who got on your good side. You were preparing for the deathly bite that could get you bedridden --permanently.

You closed your eyes then heard a soft chuckle. It felt ticklish against your skin and you opened your eyes. He was just laying on your shoulder, his lips still on your neck as if placing a kiss there.

His fangs were not visible and his eyes were back to it's original color. You were too scared to move, afraid that he will pull up a jump scare and kill you with one suck. Fortunately, he moved and sent you a smirk.

You were annoyed. He goes from being cute, to friendly, to completely scary and then goes to just plainly a sexy annoying ass. Even a girl on her period isn't that complicated.

Was he on his period?

He must've sucked enough blood to actually have a male vampire have it's period.

Speaking of blood, you sat down on the couch and pulled him with you bravely.

"Why do you want to feed on me? Isn't that the same as sucking my blood?"

"Maybe,"He shrugged,"but there's no harm in it. It won't kill you. It's just like taking a pint of blood from you. You'll feel nauseous and eventually or maybe, you'll pass out but it's different from killing"

"So you'll take a portion of my blood everyday?"

"Yes,"He grinned,"You already said you'll do it"

"Yes I did,"You sighed,"but are you sure it won't kill me?"

Sehun smirked and leaned closer to you,"Let's say it will. You don't have anyone to live for anyway,"He back away and stared at your saddened face. "Your life back then doesn't exist anymore. You don't have a family. You don't have friends. You're not you anymore"

"Why?"You muttered as you stared at your hands.

"Why? Hmm,"He hummed as he tauntingly tapped his chin,"I have idiotic friends. Friends who control time and teleportation. I guess they had fun again and dragged you into here accidentally"

"Which was good,"He continued and sighed exasperatedly.

You stared at him. His pale face. His lustrous collarbone and neck. His tall and muscular body that showed his demeanor. He was attractive and you couldn't believe you were actually attracted to a vampire.

Well, they did say, Vampires are hot. It's a fetish, I guess.

"So can I feed on you now?"His appearance changed again. He had gone from cute to terrifying.

Definitely on his period.

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