06 - Hugs everywhere

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"Hyung!"Sehun shouted which made you flinch as he ran to the open arms of the guest.

"Sehun!" He shouted back in glee,"I haven't seen you since forever"

"Lay,"Suho sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose,"You saw each other 2 days ago"

"I did?"He asked as he broke out of their dramatic hug and tilted his head.

"Yes you did,"Suho answered,"And you were here yesterday too"

It took him awhile to respond, probably trying to regain his lost piece of memory before smiling shyly, his deep dimples prominent.

"Oh yeah, I remember now"

He has dimples omg.

"Why are you here?" Suho asked while sitting back on the couch after calming his heart down.

"Oh,"Lay suddenly pulled out a rolled up piece of paper from his pocket and fixing it delicately by flattening it with both his hands.

"Kris hyung,"He handed the paper to Suho,"Sent me to give you this"

All of you huddled up with Suho in between as you read the incredulously long message from Kris.

Dear EXO-K,

Did you like my trick? Did you like my surprise? I'm sure you did. That's for making Tao cry. Don't ever bully my members again or else I'll send Ace to rip all your heads out.

I'm still preparing for my outrageous comeback in getting my revenge so all of you can relax.

I'm a nice guy.


Once I have finished, All of you better get ready.

Ready to see the other side of the world.

Ready to give up your lives.

You can beg for me though.

I like begging so if you don't want to die, beg on your knees and I will spare thee.

Did I scare all of you?



I have sent a gift, the calm BEFORE the storm.

Please enjoy my gift for I have made it with love, an equal amount I exerted into planning and killing all of you.

From Kris

Then you saw a small handwriting below the paper and you squinted your eyes to see what it was.

This is from Chen and Lay and the handsome Tao too. The 'gift' Kris hyung sent will arrive later. Good luck.
P.S: Tell Kai to stop being a pussy

"That loser,"Kai hissed while taking the paper from Suho and throwing it on the ground like a kid.

"Calm down Kai,"Kyungsoo said as he rubbed the back of the pouting boy.

"And who's Chen?"You asked.

"It's me,"A loud screech made you screamed back in return. A guy dresses in a tacky brown sweater entered making you look at Sehun, mentally asking him what he is.

Sehun chuckled before sauntering off to where you stood.

"Chen Hyung, Lay hyung,"Sehun breathed,"Meet my princess"

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