04 - How eggs made me meet 5 other handsome men

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"How do we do this?"You asked with uncertainty in your voice.

Sehun patted your head, a gesture that made your face red, and smiled reassuringly.

"Give me your wrist,"You gave your wrist to Sehun as he stared at it, thumbing your skin, gesturing to not worry and trust him.

"Are you ready?" He asked, his eyes glowing red and his fangs reappearing.

Before you can even say an answer, Sehun planted his fangs on your wrist then sucked your blood. You were drained. You felt weak and you felt numb. For a second, you doubted Sehun. You doubted him, expecting him to suck all your blood and throw away his promise of not killing you.

Sehun sucked hungrily at your tasty blood, savoring the metallic taste. It was delicious and he was so caught up, he didn't notice you had already fainted, your head resting on the arm rest of the uncomfortable couch. Sehun sucked for one last time before he wiped his lips, licking his fingers where some of your blood tainted his fingers.

He wiped your bloody wrist with his shirt then carefully teared his sleeve, wrapping the piece of cloth on your wounded skin. He chuckled when he saw your lifeless self, staring at your now paler skin.

Sehun was satisfied. Your blood was delectable. He somehow lost himself and he wouldn't stop if he hadn't made a promise to you.

Lifting you up, he stared at your pale lips and absentmindedly licked his own.

"I'm starting to like you,"Sehun mumbled as he lifted your face to his, his lips only an inch to yours.

Going into his room, he placed you on the sturdy bed and tucked you in before settling beside you. He laid side wards and stared at your sleeping figure, admiring your proportions from top to bottom. Sehun skimmed his finger on your lips, feeling the tingling sensation. He loved to look at you. He just realized that and he wasn't stopping anytime soon.

After memorizing your every feature, Sehun settled himself and threw his arm over your body, pulling you towards him.

Sehun liked having company.

Sehun liked your company.

He had been alone ever since his family was killed. He had been longing for another existence who wasn't particularly scared of him. What made it even greater was he somehow got you. A beautiful girl who wandered into his life.

Vampires doesn't really need sleep but for once, he wanted to be normal because he had you.

Within a minute, he closed his eyes and relaxed his body, enjoying your bundled up self leaning onto his chest.

The birds were chirping loudly. The morning wind was chillier and the sun was peeking, creating beautiful hues of yellow and orange.

You were slowly gaining consciousness. You groaned and moved but felt a another body preventing you. You were uncomfortable so you decided to open your eyes and scream at the person who dared to ruin your sleep.

You gasped when you saw it was Sehun, his face only a few inches from yours. You didn't know why but you felt at ease, staring at his perfectly sculptured face. He seemed more handsomer, maybe because he wasn't trying to be, like what he did when he practically tried to show off when both of you were hiding in the alley.

You got up, slowly removing his arm from your waist. You went out of the room, throwing a second look at Sehun's sleeping body before going into the supposed to be kitchen.

You opened the wooden cabinets and found a bunch of things. Some of them were pieces of cloth, some of them were useless stuff and the rest were food, mostly vegetables wrapped in newspapers. You grabbed one neatly wrapped lettuce and went to the sink, throwing the newspaper outside the window.

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