Chapter 4 - Skeletons

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Word had spread fast. As I took orders, served food and wiped tables, I felt like I was being constantly watched and scrutinized by every pair of eyes. I caught a few people sneaking glances in my direction and saw many secretly whispering to each other. I even heard some alarming half-sentences as I drifted around the room.

"...helped him cheat."

"Why would she..."

"...he doesn't deserve..."

"... still a thief..."

Chris re-sat the test the day before and topped his original mark with an A+. He was over the moon with his score and for proving to the principal that he really could do it. But his biggest victory was over Ms. Anderson. The principal was now watching her like a hawk. It was one small step in the right direction, even if the rest of the town didn't seem convinced.

When the last of the day's customers had left, the peacefulness was bliss. I began the routine of shutting up shop and popped the cash register to load the money into the money bag. It was then that I happened to glance up to see a forehead of thick brown hair pressed against the front window. Somebody was trying to peer in through the curtains. I squinted to make out the face. It was Eyeball.

Eyeball's head detached itself from the glass, probably leaving behind a glob of Brylcreem, and he vanished. I thought he was probably snooping on behalf of his blonde-haired buddy but didn't think much more of it. I certainly didn't expect him to come back.

Our little bell jangled and Eyeball strolled in with a smug grin.

"We're closed," I told him.

He lobbed a thumb at the sign hanging in the window. "Says you're open."

"I'm vetoing the sign. Now, get out."

Eyeball didn't move, and so I stormed over to him with the intention of throwing him out. Just as I gripped the door handle, the door flew open, violently jangling our little bell and almost knocking me down. Ace walked in like he owned the place with his chest all puffed out and his demanding blue eyes staring me over. The door closed behind him, but there was no jangle this time. He'd clean ripped the bell off the doorframe.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked.

"Eyeball." Ace tilted his head at the door without taking his eyes off me.

"But..." Eyeball began to protest.

"I said, get lost."

Eyeball huffed at the unfairness of it all before leaving the diner.

Ace moved to the table beside us, passing by me so closely that he brushed my dress. He sat down and nodded at the seat opposite him, suggesting that I sit.

I took the seat and folded my arms with my best 'hurry up and get on with it then' look.

"You've been asking Chris questions," he said.

That startled me more than the door nearly flying off its hinges. "Now, why would you think that?"

"Word around town is that you've been helping him out in school. That you two are getting all buddy-buddy with each other."

"So?" I shrugged.

"A girl your age wouldn't hang out with a little kid like him unless you wanted something – information."

"Or maybe you're just being paranoid again."

Ace raised his eyebrows with a look that spoke for him.

"OK..." I cleared my throat.  "So, maybe that was one reason why I wanted to get to know him... initially. But he wouldn't tell me anything."

"And if he did tell you, would you have done anything with it?"

"I just wanted something to get you back if you ever-"

"No. You wanted to get rid of me. Didn't you?"

My gaze dropped to the table, and I started fidgeting with the mustard bottle, untightening and retightening the cap.

"Come on, Cassie, say it."

"Would have been the best thing for me, and more importantly, Chris would have been free of you. So, yeah," I looked him in the eyes, "I wanted to get rid of you."

"Wow, you must have some big balls hiding under that dress of yours to admit that to me."

"Or maybe you're not as scary as you think you are."

Ace burst up off his seat to stand straight upright, knocking the small cafe table that was between us to one side, and it landed it upside down all in a clatter.  I felt exposed and a wee bit vulnerable as I sat on my chair, staring up at his tall figure looming over me with eyes dark and narrowed.  Whatever balls I had, I just dropped them.

"OK, so you... proved your point," I stammered.

He pointed a stern finger in my face. "You stay out of my way. You're talkin' 'bout making me disappear; I'll make you disappear. You're nobody around here, and no one would even care that you're gone."

I swallowed hard. After everything I'd seen and heard about him, I took the threat very seriously. Even so, I wanted the last say. I rose from my chair and stood up to him, not letting his height advantage scare me. "Get the hell out of my diner."

Ace gave me a victorious sneer before turning his back and walking out the door, letting it slam behind him.    

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