Chapter 4- War

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"Ew!" I said, making a face of disgust and giggling.

"They aren't that bad!" Josh said smiling. I took another bite into the rambutan. This morning, Josh and Kathy discovered a strange fruit that grew from the trees near our camp.

According to know-it-all Kathy, it was an African rambutan. The fruit was prickly outside, and had a bittersweet taste inside, almost like a papaya. We were just happy we found any food!

"I should probably start hunting for some foxes or something", Josh decided. "Nooo not fox! Aww the poor animals!" Kathy whined.

I was very tempted to yell shut up to her.

"Geez, man up Kathy!" Josh grumbled.

It was a perfect sunny afternoon, no Natives trying to attack us, and sweet fruit, fox, and bird to eat.

Josh, Kathy, and I had started making jobs for ourselves. Josh was the hunter, Kathy the berry gatherer, and me, the chef!

"Wow, I really miss home." I say to Kathy. "Me too..." Kathy and Josh say at the same time.

"OOH! I have an idea!" I shout, "Let's go around a circle telling each other what we miss!" I smile. I just wanted this for a conversation starter, but honestly I didn't want the perfect and rich Josh and Kathy learning about my depressing life.

"I'LL GO FIRST!" Kathy yells immaturely. "I miss my boyfriend even though he cheated on me. I miss the twelve boxes of Twinkies I kept in my closet for those sad nights. I miss feeling alone..." Kathy sheds a tear.

"But you seem so happy, smart, and perfect", I say somberly. "Well, I'll go I guess", Josh says awkwardly. "I miss the fans swarming me, I miss having money to give to charity, and I miss not feeling like I'm not a part of the world!" Josh mumbled. All three of us sighed.

"Your turn Tessa", Kathy said slowly.

"I miss food, water, and a house." I whisper dully. "Noo things like your family and friends!" Josh cried. "No." I state, staring at the ground. "Come on!!" Kathy and Josh plead.

"Fine. You want to know what I miss?" I say, suddenly filling with anger towards the whole world. "I miss having no friends, I miss my two faced ex best friend, I miss coming home to my mom drunk all the time, and most of all, I miss feeling like I should just die!" I shout, tears pouring from my eyes.

Josh and Kathy stare at me with blank eyes. "Great, I just ruined the chance of the only two people I may ever see again actually liking me!" I said out loud with a quiver in my voice.

"No one should ever have to feel that way." Josh said with unreadable eyes.

Josh and Kathy inch closer on either side of me until they're hugging either side of me. After crying for a while, I snuggle into them and fall into peaceful sleep.

"Tess!" Josh jabs my shoulder, waking me up. "Wha-" I manage to say before Josh clamped his hand over my mouth. I looked aorund to see Kathy, Josh, and I in a small cave

. Kathy was guarding the enterance, holding a rock so tightly her knuckles were white. "The people are back." Kathy whispered to me.

"Sorry we had to drag you here, you wouldn't wake up." Josh shrugged, trying to act cool but obvious fear in his eyes. "They're searching for us." He says nervously.

Suddenly we heard a screech. I looked towards Kathy. She was staring between Josh and I, shaking. Before I could proccess what was happening, the four men shot into the cave, forcing Kathy, Josh, and I into the corner of the cave.

We were dead. I trembled, remembering what happened just a few nights ago with these people. "Why do I always have to have bad luck?" I thought to myself.

Calvin, Nate, Liam, and Zuke closed in on us, stopping five feet away. I looked behind us, a dead end. The men stand there motionless until Zuke starts to talk. Not surprisingly he carries his imfamous lighter in his right hand.

"You guys want war, so you get war." Zuke says calmly. I look at Kathy and Josh, but they're staring dumbfounded at the men. I was confused, because at home I was NEVER one to speak out. "No we don't! You guys do, you weird native people tried to KILL me!" I yell at Zuke.

"We aren't 'weird native people', you little child", Nate growls. "We are the Trinque tribe, we live on this island." Nate spits at me. Usually if someone spit at me, I'd probably spit back, but this time I was too scared to retaliate.

"Our island", Liam adds, "And you three are trespassing. And you little b$%# stabbed me." Liam says, pulling up his shirt to reveal a bright red, golf ball sized wound. I looked over at Kathy, who had her hand over her mouth, trying not to throw up.

"L-Listen. We're sorry-" I started to say as Liam punches me in the gut. I fall to my knees. I look up to see Liam over me, smirking. He starts to take out a gun.

"SHOOT! He wants revenge.." I say to myself. I start crying and praying for my life. "Josh, if I don't live I love you", I said whimpering. I look pleadingly at Josh, but he looks angrier than I've ever seen him.

His face is red as a tomato, and he's glaring at Liam as if his duty was to kill him mercilessly. Liam looks at me, smirking evilly. If Liam wasn't a jerk, he'd be pretty cute, I thought. Suddenly Liam turns towards the guys and snaps his fingers.

I watch as Calvin and Nate walk closer and closer to us until they grab Kathy and start pulling her with them. Liam kicks me twice before swinging the butt of the gun into my head.

"HELP!" I hear Kathy cry, and the last thing I hear is a gunshot before I sink off into blackness.

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