Chapter 7- Tragedy

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I woke up next morning feeling groggy. I curled up against Josh, and I was right about to fall asleep when the door to our "prison" opened. Three men and a woman strode into the room.

One man came over to me and tazed my side. A sharp, burning pain went through my whole body as I let out a scream. The man caught me as I fell and grabbed my wrists, pulling them behind my back.

I watched in agony as the two other men did the same to Josh and led him out of the room.

Josh struggled to face me as he got dragged out of the room. "I love you Tessa, no matter what happens!"

Josh's desperate words echoed through my mind.

The woman overlooking the whole scene commanded the man restraining me to let my arms go, and leave the room.

I shook out my wrists as the door shut behind the man, locking me and my possible captor alone in the stone walled prison.

"W-What do you want?" I mumbled anxiously. The woman stood three feet away from me, hands on her hips. Her face was sharp, and she had icy, unforgiving blue eyes.

"WE want to know what you know," the woman replied coldly.

"About what?" I asked nervously.

"Your little friend Josh," the woman said, ignoring my question, "Won't remember you. IF you live long enough to see him again."

I stood there thinking, until I realized what she meant. "You people gave me shomething to make me forget everything, but it was weak, and I remember now!"

"You were just our test subject! We made the memory loss serum even stronger so Josh won't even know his or your name!" The woman argued back.

She pulled a short pistol from her coat pocket. "So what do you know about our village and island?"

"I-I don't know anything.." I answered, close to tears. The woman swung the butt of her gun into my cheek.

Great I can already feel the bruise forming, I thought.

"Tell me!" The woman repeated.

"Nothing!" I said, breaking down into tears. I watched fearfully as the lady loaded her gun.

"One last chance," she said, suddenly acting very calm.

"Okay all I know is that you have a swimming pool in the center of the village, and there are borders of apple trees covering the whole length of the village, with nets to capture intruders," I spill.

The woman nodded, taking a swing at my head. I fell unconscious.

I was in an all stone room when I awoke. The only things in the room were a video camera (too high for me to reach) and a tv screen. The second I walked towards the tv, it turned on.

The top left corner had the time, 11:37 AM, but I was shocked by what was on the screen.

I saw Josh unconscious, and tied to an operating table. I gasped.

My heart started to sink. "The operation is completed; Josh Holloway has no memory of Tessa Vaques, or the island," one of the surgeons announced.

"Noooo!" I yelled, screaming and crying at the top of my lungs, and banging on the door.

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