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It's been three years since Connor had last seen Troye. Connor was now located in New York, where he worked in a small cafe. It was sorta quiet where he worked, not many people show up. He left La Crescent after his senior year, not looking back at the life he once had, he wanted a new life- where no one would hurt him.

He met a girl named Zoe Sugg, who is a small British girl, who loves makeup and all things fashion. Almost two years ago, she moved down the hall from Connor's apartment. She moved to New York to travel but she seemed to like it, and stayed. Connor was the first person she met when she first moved into his apartment building, and ever since, the two became inseparable.

Zoe and Connor would always go for lunch together, and would have sleep overs at each other's houses, watching Disney movies and gossiping about people who they work with. Connor lost contact with most of his family, and the vast majority of his friends.

He rarely talked to Kian, and when he did the call never lasted long. There has been many moments where Connor would stop and think about Troye, he would wonder how Troyes life was going and what he was up to, where did he live now? Is he in a relationship? Who was he dating? and so much more.

A part of him missed Troye dearly, but he didn't miss him enough to go and find him. Or did he?

Love Me Again ☾tronnor auWhere stories live. Discover now