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Connor finished his shift at the coffee shop and was now going to Zoe's to spend some time with her. He walked up to her apartment door, knocking.

Zoe answered the door and let him in. Her apartment smelling like a sweet candle that she was probably burning-
because when isn't she she burning a candle?

"How are you, Con?" She asked, in her sweet little voice.

"I'm good, you?" He replied

"I'm good" she smiled, closing the door behind him


"Connor, you seem distracted" Zoe said as the two sat on the couch.

"Oh uh," Connor paused "just thinking, that's all"

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Zoe moved closer to her best friend.
Connor sighed, he nodded and turned towards her. He paused before saying,
"You know about Troye right?"

Zoe replied, "Yea, the guy that basically fucked your life up"

"Yea him," Connor moved closer to her, bringing his feet up onto the couch. "Well recently I haven't been able to get my mind off of him. Like where is he? How's he doing? and other stuff like that, and it's killing me."

"Don't you have his number?" Zoe asked

Connor replied, "Yea but he probably changed it" Zoe then replied by saying, "well try the number out in case, and if it's not," she paused before speaking again "then I don't know what to do. Just try the number out"

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