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Troye sat quietly on the plane. Jacob right by his side, scrolling through his phone. Troye watched as the plane took off, admiring the view.


The plane soon landed, it was now eight in the evening, Troye, Jacob and Jacob's parents were now heading to their family's house, that they were staying in. "Are you going straight to bed?" Jacob asked, Troye shrugged, "I mean, I don't know. I want to, I'm really tired." Jacob nodded.

Jacob and Troye both looked outside as the car drove off. Moments later, a ding sound filled the small space, Jacob reached into his pocket, his phone was lit up.

The light from his phone lighting up the space he was sitting in. He began to type away at his phone. Troye didn't care, he just kept watching out of the window.

"Hey mom, Hannah just texted me, she wants to know if Troye and I could go to her party tomorrow night?" Jacob said looking at his mother who sat in the passengers seat.

"Jacob, you know we're here to see your Aunts and Uncles, not for you to go run off with your friends" Troye watched as Jacob sat back into his seat, sighing.

"I know but I haven't seen Hannah in forever." He whined. Troye giggling at how he was acting. His father kept quiet in the drivers seat. "yes, but you haven't seen your relatives from here, in forever, either." His mother replied.

Jacob rolled his eyes, resting his head on the closed window beside him, "it's only one night, I promise I won't stay long either" his mother sighed, "I guess," she paused, fixing her shirt, "but you're not staying there all night, your family would love to see you too, ya know"

"I know, I know"

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