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Connor had just finished his errands, he just had to do. He placed the grocery bags onto the marble counter and placed his car keys beside the bags.

He began to take out pots and pans, as he began to cook his dinner. Connor finished making his dinner and sat down on his couch, watching Orange is the new Black.


The next day, Connor did his usual morning routine, which was of course making a cup of coffee and scrolling through Tumblr on his laptop.

Connor paused, everything was silence.

What would it be like to hear Troye's voice again? Connor thought.

"No Connor! Stop thinking about him" Connor said out loud. He then froze, his words echoing in his head.

I just talked to myself. Alone. In my apartment. That's fücking weird.

Connor grabbed his phone from beside his laptop, on that table, scrolled through his contacts and came across Troye's number.

Connor clicked the number and it instantly dialled. Connor's heart began to beat rapidly.

The phone rang and rang before someone picked up.

"Hello?" The Australian accent, the accent that Connor hated himself for missing, said as it rang through the line.

Connor couldn't speak, he was too in shock that it was him. The guy that he hated himself for loving, for missing, for caring about.

"Hello?" He asked again, Connor tried to speak but nothing came out.

Before Connor could say anything, Troye hung up. Connor wanted to punch himself for not saying anything, but was also happy Troye didn't know it was him.

Connor instantly called Zoe.

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