He's Gone

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Sun Hi

I laid face down on my light pink bed, letting the tears roll down my face, soaking my pillow in salty water. I couldn't believe it, he was really gone. I had no idea when I would see him next. My only love, ripped away from me. He taught me not to be so cruel and selfish.

Linc, the name kept repeating in my brain.

A bang brought me out of my thoughts. I slowly sat up, facing the door. My eyes were puffy from the tears, drenching my face. I didn't even care. I squinted my eyes and was met with my fellow roommates plus Caleb, Alex, and Darmala.

"Hey," Alex said softly after seeing me like this, "You okay?"

Instead of answering, I just turned my head to look at the bookshelf by my bed. A few seconds went by and I heard soft footsteps coming towards me. I jumped at a cold touch on my arm, though relax after realizing it was only Corki. I turned to her, needing comfort. After realizing how badly hurt I was, she opened up her arms.

I took the opportunity and dug my head into her shoulder. I didn't cry though, I sobbed. I was broken. My sobbing only grew as I heard more footsteps. Soon, everyone was by my side, providing comfort.

I don't know how long I sobbed. It could have been seconds, minutes, or even hours. I had no regard for time though. I sobbed, trying to get the pain out with the tears. Finally, I stopped, but it was by force. My tears had stopped, though continued to sniffle. Soon after, I calmed down, at least physically. Inside, I still feel like someone had stabbed me in the heart with a knife.

I brought my head up to see five wonderful friends with tight smiles. Caleb gave me a tissue and Darmala got a trash can. Alex was talking but the words just went throw one ear and out the other. I was numb to Jodi's and Corki's touch.

It finally hit me like a rock to the head.

"He's gone," I whispered, "Linc's really gone."


So what did you guys think of the first chapter? Will Sun Hi ever heal her heart, or will she be forever broken? Let me know in the comments below! Next chapter will probably be up tomorrow or Tuesday.



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