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Sun Hi

"Linc!" I shouted.

I looked all around me, left to right, up and down, but all I saw was dark. Pit black. I tried calling again, though this time, my words were shaky as tears poured down my cheeks.

"Linc," Echoes filled the empty space, repeating his name over and over. Linc, Linc, Linc pounded into my ears. "Why did you leave me?" My voice was barely above a whisper now.

"Sun Hi!" A voice shouted.

"Linc?" I looked behind me, hoping to see my love, but was instead met with the ground shaking.

"Sun Hi!" The voice rang again.

"Linc, please come back." Those were the last words to escape my mouth before I woke up.

I sat up straight in bed only to be knocked back down. I clutched my nose in pain and opened me eyes to see Alex.

"Sorry," He said slyly.

"Its okay," I muttered, before asking a burning question. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," Alex started, "After yesterday, we all said with you last night."

As he explained, he gestured to the room around us. Sure enough, Darmala was with Jodi sleeping(ohhh), Caleb was on the floor, and Corki was sleeping alone in her bed.

"Where were you sleeping?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

He just scratched the back of his head turning red.

"Oh," I said, realizing that he slept in my bed.


The silence dragged on for a few moments before it was broken by Alex.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, making sure not to wake anyone.

"Yeah, just...shocked." I said.

"We should wake the others." Alex suggested, breaking another long and awkward silence.

"Okay," I agreed.

We both climbed out of bed and looked at each other. Alex gave me a small while I returned it with a half one. Together, we woke all of our friends. We were about to go to breakfast when Corki realized something.

"Guys," She started, "We're still in our pj's."

"Oh, yeah." Caleb said.

''How about we all change and meet up in the Cafeteria?" Darmala suggested.

"Great idea!" Jodi exclaimed, only to get a head shake from Caleb.

"Okay, will see you in a little," Darmala said.

Before walking out though, Alex whispered something in my ear. "Stay strong."

Corki, Jodi, and I changed in silence and brushing our teeth was awkward.

"Come on!" Jodi said when we were done, "I'm so hungry, my stomach feels completely empty.

Those words made me realize something, I was completely empty with Linc.

"Go ahead guys," I started, "I'm not hungry."

My roommates shared a concerned look with one another before walking out, heads nodding. That morning, while my friends were out, enjoying each others company, I was laying down, crying myself back to sleep. This time though, there was no comfort.


So what did you guys think? What about that like Alex and Sun Hi moment? Next chapter will be a Linc POV, and I might post it today or tomorrow. I will probably not post anything Friday or Saturday because I'm going to California(where I am from) for the summer and I leave Friday morning so I might not be able to post then, plus I have to get settled. I will write though so my chapters will be ready to go!



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