Explain Yourself!

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I was standing outside the girls room, waiting for them to get back from Science class.

Finally, after what seemed like hours later, the bell rang and Corki, Jodi, and Sun Hi came around the corner. I stopped pacing and crossed my arms, waiting for the girls to reach me. As soon as they did, I couldn't help but ask the question that was eating me from inside out.

"Sun Hi," I started, "What's going on?"

The pink haired girl turned to Corki.

"Can you put these up for me?" She asked, holding out her school books.

"Yea, sure."

Corki and Jodi both shot us a nervous look before walking into their dorm. After the door closed, Sun Hi turned to me.

I opened my mouth to ask my question again, though, Sun Hi beat me.

"Before we continue this little 'reunion', can we go sometime a little more 'private'."

I nodded my head and followed her into the janitor's closet. We stood in silence for a few moments before Sun Hi asked her own question.

"Why did you come back?"

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"You weren't supposed to be back until next year's second semester, you're supposed to be in Australia, si how come you came back?"

It took me a few moments before I could find the right words, but when I did, they just started tumbling out, one after another.

"Because I wanted to be with you Sun Hi! I love you and never want to be separated from you! I chose you, over my family, my friends, my own blood! I chose you, hoping you would choose me!"

After I took a few deep breaths, I waited for Sun Hi's response. I waited for what seemed like hours, waiting to hear her explanation. Waiting for her to take me back, waiting for her laughs, her smile, her hugs, and her kisses.

I waited.

She didn't.

"I guess you don't choose me."

I turned on my heel, and walked out of the closet to the roof. I walked away from her.

I am fone waiting.


I'm back!

I really wish I had updated earlier, but I have e been having a MAJOR writer's block. Though, now I have a few ideas and I will try updating once a week.

Also, I started school next week, only a couple days after my birthday, so, how old do you think im turning? Winner gets a shout out in my next chapter!

Plus, thank you SlinciForever for being one of my biggest supporters. Go read her books!

What do you guys think about this chapter? Let me know in the comments below!

Vote and follow!



P.S. my TV isn't working, so does anyone know if Sabrina Carpenter won anything, I only now that Maddie Ziegler won a dance award and Pretty Little Liars(one of my favs) won an award.

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