I Really, Really Like You

276 6 24

Sun Hi

The same dream, over and over and over again.

I was being teared apart inside because of the same dream. Linc. My lover. Linc. The one. Linc. Me. He was-is a part of myself, a piece I couldn't live without.

I was having the dream again, that is, until the door to my room swung open. Like before, I lifted my head to see Alex. My face scrunched up in confusion. Why did he always come? I mean, I wasn't complaining, but seriously, it was weird.

I just shook it off, deciding to ignore it.

"Hey, Alex." I wiped at my eyes with the back off my hands to remove the tears from my face.

"Here, let me do that." Alex's voice was soft as he grabbed a box of tissues from Corki's desk.

"Thanks." I mutter.

"No prob."

Alex's hand grazed my cheek while he wiped the last tear on my face. A firework sparked in my chest, though I quickly diminished the feeling. I live Linc. I realized I was staring at my hands, so I brought my eyes up to met Alex's intense gaze.

Before I knew it, he was leaning in and I did the same. A centimeter from each other, I stopped.

"I'm sorry," I breathed, "I can't right now."

I turned my face so I wouldn't have to look at Alex's hurt one. A few seconds went by before I felt a soft hand touch my chin. I was the lifted, forcing me to face its owner.

"I really, really like you. I know you feel the same, but your hurting. And I will be here to help you, help you heal. When the time is right, maybe, we could be more than friends. Because I love you."

I had nothing to say, so I nodded my head.

"Thank you." I managed to whisper.

"Anytime. Now, breakfast?"

I nodded again, a smile playing on my lips. I now know with Alex, I'm happy, and maybe, one day I could be with him. Because I really, really like him.

We walked to breakfast together, and my heart is already starting to heal.


Wow. Sun Hi and Alex. But what about Slinci?!? Comment your thoughts, vote, and follow my Wattpad and Instagram (odessalavender)!



Stone Cold(A WolfFrostTheMighty Continuation)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora