Let Go

121 3 7

Linc POV

What did I do? How did I lose her? Why Alex? How can I get her back?

The thoughts flooded my head, making it impossible to think of anything else. It was all that I could think of. Her. With him.

Just the thought of them in the same bed sleeping together, it made my heart ache. I don't why that pain was so intense, it just wouldn't go away.

But at the same time, I knew it was okay.

Even though I wanted to strangle Alex for taking Sun Hi away from me, I also kind of sorta wanted to give him a 'bro' hug. I mean, I've never seen Sun Hi as happy as she is with him-again, pain-and he really loves her. Because of him, he smile is brighter than it ever was before.

I can't hate a guy like that.

So, if Sun Hi wants to be with Alex, then they should be together. I know that.

But if he even THINKS about breaking her heart, I WON'T think about breaking HIM!

So, it's time to step back.

It's time to let Sun Hi be happy.

It's time to let go.


Hello! Everyone, if I were you, would thank Morrow Middle School! The reason why is because I only updated since my bus is like a hour late and I have nothing to do so, here it is!

What did you all think? Did it make since? Are the Slinci shippers mad? No? Good.

Hope you liked it!

MIP Rocker🎧


Everyone, I have a question!

So, I was looking for a Sasha and Vanessa Disney Backstage story, and I only found one!

So here's my question:
If I were to write a Sasha and Vanessa fanfic, would you read it?

Let me know in the comments below!

Stone Cold(A WolfFrostTheMighty Continuation)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora