Chapter seven: I owe you one

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 Henry's POV -

I unzipped my suitcase and dug around in it for a clean pair of jeans. Bianca texted me a place where we could meet up outside of the apartment complex and I'd love any excuse to get away from Charlotte. I stared at the mash of colorful t-shirts spilling out of my suitcase, my mind re-winded back to the delicate smile on her lips as she looked at Jayden for the first time, and when I found her in the crowd earlier. The way she had Jordon tucked into her chest protectively. My heart was doing flips and I wanted to surpress them. From the bedroom, I could here Charlotte speaking to the twins.

"Since your daddy is a selfish dead beat who doesn't wanna help me with you two... Mommy is gonna need you to be very very patient, mmkay?"

I shook my head and grabbed the nearest shirt from the stack, changing into it. I wasn't leaving her to be a deadbeat. I was leaving her because I don't know what the hell is happening between us anymore. Do I hate her, or don't I? I want to hate her so fucking badly. I don't want to have these kinds of feelings for Charlotte Bolton. I resented the way her voice was getting stuck in my head. I'm now noticing the little things she does when she thinks I'm not looking. How she bites the corner of her lip when she's confused or worried. I sighed, shoving my phone into my pocket and leaving the room. I left my clothes all over the floor. Maybe that'll piss her off and we'll have another reason to fight. Charlotte and I didn't make eye contact when I approached the front door.

"Don't wait up for me."

I said, twisting the knob in my clammy palm.

"As if."

She replied airily. She hoisted the twins on each of her hips and turned her back to me like a bad car accident. I lingered in the doorway for a moment, watching her walk away. She was angry, but I that's not my problem.


Charlotte's POV - 

The door shut, and I had to close my eyes, sending a silent prayer to the heavens above. He's really doing this to me. Jayden began to cry after I settled her into her high chair. 

"I know you're hungry. Just let me get your brother in here and then I promise you can eat."

I said. Preparing bottles for them could take me 10 or 15 minutes without casualties. Getting them to stop screaming bloody murder was the problem. Once I had them both in their high chairs, I got the bottles from the bottle warmer and set a chair in between them. In their minds I was just the assistant feeder. The woman who makes life a little less stressful. When one arm began to wilt from a baby's mouth, I alternated between them to give it a rest. Jordon ate mouthfuls more than his sister and whined threateningly if I let the bottle slip up so much as one time. Jayden wasn't very moody and sucked on the pacifier I stuck in her mouth while I fed Jordon. This would be a hell of a lot easier if Henry were here. As soon as I started thinking about him, I stopped myself. He wasn't worth the finery of my thoughts.

After the twins ate, I ran warm water in the bathtub with Hickory Melon scented bubble bath and rubber ducky toys. Jayden put up a fuss as I took her clothes off. She didn't want to be naked and kicked her thick legs at me furiously. Jordon let me dip him into the tub and giggled at the magic of plastic yellow duckies floating in the water. When his sister was in next to him, I marveled at how adorable they looked together with a monstrosity of bubbles all over their bodies. Jayden stuffed fistfuls of the white foam into her mouth, and Jordon did the same.

"No, no, no... Those aren't edible."

Aren't bubbles are supposed to be non-toxic? My mind went south as I wondered about how many times I should feed them a day? And if I should try them with solid foods or baby purees? During the bath time, I was put under an penetrating stress. This was starting to feel like the stronghold responsibility. And it was all on my shoulders. I didn't sign up to be a single mother, I thought bitterly to myself.

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