Chapter eight: Yeah, it's hell

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Charlotte's POV -

The twins were crying over the baby monitor when I opened my eyes.  Henry was snoring beside me beaneath the mountain of covers he managed to steal during the middle of the night. I sat up, arching my back, and stabbed my finger into his bare chest repeatedly until I saw signs of life.

"Henry... Henry.... Henry."

"What, what, what?"

He rolled over onto his side.

"Can you wake up and feed the twins please?"

I watched Henry bury himself deeper into the blankets and proceed to ignore me.

"No thanks. You got this, Char."

He mumbled. My hands curled into talon claws inches above his neck before I got out of the bed, grabbing handfuls of my curls, bunching them into an elastic band. I walked into the twins nursery, Jayden and Jordon were pissed off and hungry. I grabbed them both out of their cribs and carried them into the kitchen to put them in their high chairs and start them off with bottles and GoGo packs of mixed fruit. I could barely keep my eyes open while I fed them, wiping their chins clean and placing them up in the living room on a blanket for tummy time with Octonauts playing on the TV. I wiped the counters down after putting together a breakfast of pancakes and eggs. Then I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and grabbed the manual, reading as I ate.  

Our food supplies were only going to last for a month, before Henry and I were required to get jobs and manage, rent, utilities and taxes. The entire thing was making my head hurt. I put my plate in the sink and joined the twins in the living room. Two hours passed, before I changed their diapers and got them into different clothes. Jayden loved her ballerina onesie and Jordon was okay with a "MVB = Most Valuable baby" t- shirt and crocodile shorts. Henry slept in until noon, leaving me to do all the house keeping on my own until he got up at 12:30.


He dragged himself into the kitchen, looking in the fridge for something to eat. 

"We have to talk- right now,"

I said, bending over to pick up toys and teething rings scattered on the floor in the living room. Henry looked over at me and shrugged.

"About what?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you've been slacking on the responsibility since we got here."

I said, propping my hands up on my hips. Jayden crawled in between my legs and slapped at my knees, wanting me to pick her up.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me... Bianca is gonna be here in a minute so answer the door for me if she comes before I'm ready."

Henry grabbed a Coke out of the fridge, retreating back to the bedroom.

"Are you fuck-"


Jordon garbled, pushing himself across the floor on his stomach. I held my tongue and picked Jayden up, she was fussing and seemed cranky. Like me. It was getting close to a nap time for both of them, and maybe if I could get Henry alone for a second he'll talk to me. I couldn't understand this. I couldn't understand why I had to run around in circles for him. One day everything is fine and I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with him, then the next day everything changes but I'm right back where I started. An hour or so later, the door bell rang as I laid the twins down in their cribs.


Yes, the eyes rolled. I went to the front door and stood there with my hand on the knob for a half a minute. I knew Bianca was on the other side of it and wanted to make her wait. She rang the door bell repeatedly. I then opened the door, slowly.

"Oh hey bitch, where's Henry?"

She pushed past me into the apartment.

"Come in."

I said, closing the door. 

"Henry your hoe is here!"

I called into the direction of the bedroom. Bianca looked over at me and pulled her lips into an artificially sweet smile.

"Wow, Charlotte you're looking even more bummy and busted than usual today. What's the matter? You depressed honey?"

She asked, cocking her head. I leaned against the back of the sofa, returning her petty glare.

"We can't all rely on those special cum facials you get at the halfass hoe spa like you... Honey."

I replied. Bianca's eyes turned glacier.

"You're so fucking funny."

She rolled her eyes, tucking her hair behind her elf shaped ears.

"I know... Henry!"

If she says anything else there will be no words just flying fists. Henry emerged from the bedroom, well dressed, smelling clean with his hair combed neatly.

"Where are you going now?"

I asked him as he grabbed Bianca's chin and kissed her.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be back tonight."

He said. And then he was gone. I wanted to scream, to race after them and drag Henry back into this apartment. There wasn't anything else I could do but bear it. Exhaling, I grabbed the manual and shuffled to the bedroom.

Henry's POV -

Did I feel guilty? Depends. Was I going to do anything about it? Hell no. Bianca called me late last night to tell me nothing happened between her and that guy and that all she did was dance with him and afterwards he gave her a ride home and Jasper was there and everything. So I believed her, because I love her and people make mistakes sometimes. Even if something did happen and she wasn't telling me the truth, I trusted her. 

"Do you know how much I fucking hate Charlotte's guts?"

Bianca asked me outside. I looked over at her and shook my head, dropping her hand from my grip. She didn't seem to notice, or mind.

"Okay so just picture it this way, if a gun was held to her head I'd be the one at the other end of the fucking trigger."

She laughed, but I just stared at the ground. I didn't have anything to say to that.

"What's it like living with her? Is it hell? I bet it's hell."

She said, glancing at me and waiting for an answer. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, it's hell."

"I knew it,"


"But what?"

Bianca reached put and grabbed my hand again, nuzzling her head onto my shoulder.


I squeezed her hand and we kept walking. Yeah, it is hell living with her. It's hell wondering what she looks like on the other side of a locked bathroom door taking a shower. It's hell to be laying next to her in that bed, knowing she was close enough to touch, but not being able to. Worst of all it was hell to lie to her. To keep skipping out on her, when I know the only reason I was doing it was to keep her from getting into my heart. That's hell.

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Xoxo Leesey -

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