Chapter twelve: Look at me

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Charlotte's POV - 

I put the twins down for a nap in the afternoon and lingered in the nursery for longer than I had to, keeping my distance from Henry. Everything that Bianca had said outside was doing 360's around in my head. As I watched Jayden and Jordon sleep, I turned my head away from their cribs for a moment and took a deep breath. In my mind things were changing. I thought we were... I shut my eyes and chewed on my lower lip. I don't know what I thought. But it wasn't this. I left the nursery and went to the bedroom to take a shower, maybe clear my head up a little bit. Then I realized that Henry was in the shower.

"Fucking awesome."

I rolled my eyes, stuffing the clothes I had selected from my side of the closet under my arm. Knocking on the door, I kept all forms of emotion out of my throat.


"How long are you going to be in there?"

"I'm about to get out right now,  chill."

I was perfectly chill, he didn't need to say that. I grabbed a towel and hoisted myself up onto the bed with my phone to wait on him. In the mean time, my screen lit up with a new message notification. 

Jasp: Charlotte, help me pls!

Me: Why? Whats up?

Jasp: Bianca is acting crazy af and she's scaring our kids!!

Me: Wdym???

Jasp: She's saying stuff like "I'm gonna kill her!" Throwing shit, cussing, and everything Idk what to do!

I sighed, rubbing my hand across my forehead before replying. Henry emerged from the bathroom in his towel, he looked over at me, but I wasn't paying any attention to him. 

Me: Just get outta there Jasper, she's in a funk because of her little fight with Henry. Take the kids to the park or something then maybe you and I can meet up to grab a bite to eat. Sound good?

Jasp: Perfect, see you later Char.

I put my phone face down on the comforter and stood up, grabbing my clothes.


I whipped my eyes over into Henry's direction impatiently..


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why are you asking?"

Not like he really gives a fuck, but he'll tell me he does anyway. 

"You look stressed, per usual. I- was... I was just wondering."

Henry doesn't make any moves to get dressed. He just leans against the bed in that beige towel knotted at his waist, studying me. I don't make any direct eye contact with him, not because it's awkward or flush raising but because I know it annoys him at times.

"It's your girlfriend. She's making my best friend's life a living hell right now, thanks to you."

I force a cryptic smile at him, preparing to head into the bathroom and dump this conversation before it gets ugly.

"Wait, I don't understand... How is that my fault?"

He replied, his eyebrows scrunching up slightly. Henry's confused face looked about the same as his judgmental face.

"Oh, did I say it was all your fault? That must have came out all wrong."

I shrugged halfheartedly.

"My bad." 

Henry moved to stand in front of me,  directly blocking my path to the bathroom like some kind of thuggish bouncer at a club.

The parent project - Chenryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें