Chapter fourteen: It's my fault because...

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Charlotte's POV -

Henry stormed back into the house and slammed the door shut behind himself. I had just put the twins down for a nap.

"Be quiet!"

I hissed to him, closing my laptop quietly. Henry looked at me and sneered.

"Don't fucking talk to me."

He said, storming down the hallway to the master bedroom. I stood up and followed him, grinding my teeth.

"It took me all damn afternoon to get those kids to sleep and you're not just going to come in here and make noise."

Henry turned around to face me with his hands on his hips. His brow was furrowed deeply and anger. I've seen every face of Henry over the past few years, but this was different. This felt scarier. I felt like I didn't know who I was talking to. 

"Does it look like I give a fuck? Tell me Charlotte, does it look like I give one ever loving fuck?"

He replied sharply, motioning to the resting bitch face expression he'd been carrying around all day. 

"Look, I know you're upset about what happened earlier-"

"You don't know shit, you think you know it all Charlotte Bolton, you don't know anything."

He interrupted me, ripping his shirt over his head and throwing it across the room.

"What the hell is your problem?"

I asked, genuinely concerned. As I sated at him, I could see his chest heaving. He was getting more visibly angry every second that passed.

"You! You're the fucking problem!"

He replied. 

"Me? Now suddenly everything is my fault?"

"It's always been your fault."

He muttered, turning away from me to stare out of the open window. I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Right, everything has always been my fault. I almost forgot about all the mental hell that your girlfriend put me through just by existing... Because it's always been my fault for that!"

Henry turned around slowly, his face was a shield of unmoved emotion. Somewhere between seeing that look on his face and realizing what had just come out of his mouth I snapped. My internal structure crumpled underneath the weight of everything I've kept bottled up in side like a building collapsing on itself. 

"It's my fault that we're here in the first place! It's my fault that I've had to be here by myself for past 3 fucking weeks taking care of two kids! It's my fault that I lied to the social worker when she came here because I cared about you! It's my fault that I fucking believed you would actually leave your girlfriend for me... Because it's my fault that I love you!"

I yelled with a voice unknown to me, shoving Henry in his chest with what little strength I had left in my body. Tears were blurring the image of him standing in front of me. He stared at me silently, his mouth slightly agape. 

"All of it is my fault, Henry!"


"You're life is hell because of me so go ahead and pile the blame on!"

I swiped at my eyes angrily and he came into focus again. Everything that I've ever wanted to say to him were in those few short sentences. It wasn't as much as I could have said, but for now it was enough. I took a deep breath and sank down on the edge of my bed, using my hands as a shield for my face. I don't ant him to see me cry but it's too late for that now. The damage was done. The room was silent for a long time after that. He didn't saying anything and neither did I. I didn't have energy enough to say anything else.

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