Chapter fifteen: Charlotte...?

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Henry's POV -

In the morning I was awakened by the twins again. Charlotte was wrapped in the sheets like a piece of chocolate, dead to the world. I leaned over and kissed her cheek softly, barely letting my lips touch her velvet skin, not to disturb her. Then I slipped out of the bed with ease to take care of the twins. My heart was a gym of wildlife as I thought about when she would wake up and when I could see her eyes again and hear her voice.

"Morning stinkers,"

I plucked Jayden and Jordon out of their cribs and carried them on each of my hips to the kitchen for breakfast. Today was going to be a stress-free day for Charlotte. She deserved so much more than the bullshit I've been giving her and I wanted to make sure she rested today.

After the twins ate, I got them dressed and left the apartment leaving Charlotte a text to explain everything. I wasn't sure where we were going yet but it was going to be someplace fun and exciting for the twins. Although they were thoroughly content with straw wrappers from Happy Meals. Outside, I saw Jasper walking with his kids back to their apartment. When he noticed me, he approached the car.

"Henry, how's Charlotte?"

"She's fine, why?"

I closed the door to the back seat and turned around to fully face him.

"We had a date the other night and she didn't show up, I let it go but I was just wondering if she was okay."

Charlotte and Jasper? With date in the same sentence? Point me in the directional exit of this twilight zone.

"She's okay, I promise. How's Bianca?"

Jasper looked over at his kids, shuffling through the puddles on the sidewalk. He dragged one of his hands through his curly hair.

"I don't know, she's hardly ever here and when she is she doesn't talk to me."


"But she talks about you a lot."

"Good or bad?"

"I can't really tell, It's a mix."

Doesn't sound like she's handling our break up too badly. I'm not, that's for sure.

"I'll see you around, I guess."

Jasper looked at me with narrowed eyes before he walked away. I watched him leave, sliding into the driver's seat. Deep down I realized, I hope Bianca would be alright. She wasn't a stable person when it came to the demise of getting what she wanted. As I backed out of the parking lot, I looked towards the apartment building. Charlotte will be okay, I'll hurry back.


Charlotte's POV -

Henry isn't here, and the twins are gone. He took them to the aquarium for the day. Bless his soul. I got to spend the entire day, ambling around the apartment barefoot, wild curls, pajamas on. No crying twins or formula smelling hands. Just me, a tv, and more wine.

As I was about to walk into the kitchen the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone. When I opened the door I immediately regretted it.



Bianca stood on the doormat with her head tilted to the side and her lips pursed. She looked like she always did, like a bitch with an attitude problem.

"Where is Henry?"

"That's none of your business... Anymore."

I told her, there was a particularly sharp edge in my voice and I liked that. For once I was the one standing above her. I was the one who had her man under lock and key. And there was nothing she could do about that.

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