Chapter ten: Just let me...

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Charlotte's POV-

Yoga made my mind feel amazing, but it made my body feel like shit. Twisting and turning into all those positions put a strain on my muscles and I was sore afterwards. When I heard the door open and then slam close, I rolled my eyes. My stomach squirmed. I was stressed enough and I wasn't going to let Henry's bad energy get the best of me. For now he was in the back seat of my emotions. I ran myself a bath, grabbing some clothes and laying them out on the bed. Henry came into the bathroom with his pants unzipped as I leaned over the tub, running my fingers under the hot water.

"I've gotta piss,"

He mumbled. I looked up at him and squinted.

"You do know there's another bathroom in this apartment, right?"


"So use that one."

I pulled a towel off the rack and tossed it over my shoulder and stood up straight, suddenly feeling uncomfortable bent over in front of him.

"I don't wanna use that one, can you just get out?"

I bit down on my tongue and decided not to drag this any farther than it had to go, stepping out of the bathroom. Henry closed the door behind me. I sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed my clothes, waiting for him to come out again. Behind me I heard rain drops begin to pelt against the windows. Henry came out of the bathroom again, shedding the sweaty looking material of his shirt and shooting it into the dirty clothes hamper in the corner of the room like a basketball. 

"All yours,"

He breezed past me to sit on the bed.


I paused at the door and turned to him.

"Can I talk to you after this?"

Henry nodded, but looked away from me quickly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I winced, wince when I turned my head again at the wrong moment.

"You sure? I can give you another massage if you want."

His eyes brows were knitting together a little bit and although it was kinda sweet, it was also unnecessary.

"I'm good, thanks,"

I slipped back into the bathroom and sighed. I was happy. It was raining, I felt cozy, alone in this peacefulness. I lit the tealight candles I had placed around the bathtub before dipping my foot and then my whole body into the water. I played soft, quiet music, leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Relaxing like this felt deserved. It felt nice.

Henry's POV -

I looked towards the bathroom door and scoffed, changing my clothes. She must be  having a goo time in their. A crackle of thunder shook the windows. I hadn't realized it s raining. I went over to pull the curtains back a little bit and saw the sky was a deep dark black and cords of purple lightening whipped through the clouds in instant flashes. It was pouring outside. Like the kind of rain you saw generated in movies. Only this was real. And it depressed me. I turned away from the window and paced the room, glancing at the bathroom door for longer than I should have. I wondered what Charlotte was doing, what she was thinking about. I wondered what she wanted to talk about. 

I rubbed the back of my head where it was starting to throb and sat down on the bed. She was naked on the other side of that door. Naked, wet, and vulnerable. I rubbed my hands over my face in attempt to clear my thoughts. The thoughts I should only be thinking about Bianca. I'm a horrible person, but aren't we all. No, I'm not horrible. I looked over at the door again and sighed. I'm a human person. Outside the rain seemed to be getting louder, my heart was racing. I rubbed my hand over my chest and took deep breaths. One... Two... Three. The lights flickered and I paused. A blackout would be just perfect right now. Minutes were passing like hours. I tried texting Bianca but I knew she was sleep. She was asleep when I left her apartment, and she was still asleep now. Am I insane? Maybe.

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