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I waited for her outside .

I dont know , but I feel something strange awhile ago . Anyway, I am relieved that we did great . I think we just needed time like this since the audition is over and next week will be the start of the real show .

After a several minutes ... At last ! She came out of the room .

"Im sorry . I got so full that I needed to use the comfort room ." ,she said .

I smiled at her ,"Its alright . Lets go ?"

We walked to the parking lot . I saw her pulling the key to her car .

"Paula . I told you Im giving you a ride , didnt I ?"

"Well , I uhm ."

I took her keys and pulled her to my car . I opened the door for her . "Get in .", she smiled at me then she gets in . "Thanks ."

She guided me the way to her house . We arrived at her house around 8 o'clock .

"Okay . We are here , Your Majesty ." she looked at me and to the passenger's door. "Oh right ! The door .Iam sorry ,Your Majesty !" ,we laughed then I opened the door for her . I offered her my hand as she step out of the car.

"Thank you." ,she said as if she is a real Majesty ,Oh look at her . Just riding on my trip .

"No worries , Madame Paula."

I looked at her as she walks towards the door of her house as she turned around to look at my direction and said her goodbye .

"Thanks for the ride ! Have a safe trip , Simon !", she shouted .

So I shouted back , "No worries , Your Majesty ! I will ." then I drive my way home .


Its been a couple of months since the American Idol been aired to the national TV . It is a hit , I am not wrong on my thoughts about the show . When I said on the conference that its gonna blow the whole America ? It really did !

Me and Paula ? We are still arguing 'bout lot of things . But we sometimes hangout with the whole staff . We are friends , yeah we became friends . We used to go out , grab some lunch , watch movies on her house or on my house , walk our dogs around . By the way , I found out that Paula Julie Abdul loves dogs as much as I do . That's why we are getting real close to each other . And as expected , Randy and Ryan always teases us . But right now , at this moment , they are just staring at us while we are ... Arguing .

"What is really wrong with you , Simon ?!" ,

"Oh . Not me , Paula . God ! Its just a simple thing but you cant decide what to do with it ? Come on ! " , I yelled at her . This is one of those times that I really hate , arguing with her . She stared at me , hurt . Because I yelled at her .

"Hey Jimmy , I need you here ." , she called our assistant director .

"I cant do this anymore . I cant stand him ."

"Hey Paula ! Dont you dare talk about me on my back !"

"He is behind me , Simon ! Iam not talking on your back ! HE IS STANDING ON MY BACK SO I NEED TO TURN AROUND AND FACE HIM !!!"

"Oh well , You can say it in front of me !"

Then Jimmy walked on my side and Paula faced him , "Jimmy , I cannot do this anymore . I CAN'T STAND HIM ." , she said and then looked at me , " There ! I said it in front of your face ! There you go ! Happy now ?", she said in a shaking voice . She is mad at me . I know , now I feel bad . Because I yelled at her and made her yell at me too . Ohh Paula . I faced her and opened my arms for her .

"Come here Paula ." , then I hugged her . The people claps their hands .

"Sorry Pawler . Im sorry." , she hugged me back but I saw a tear that rolled down on her cheeks .Now I feel really really bad , it breaks me . I wiped it with my thumb and kissed her head . "Im sorry ,sweetheart ."

She just nod her head and we get back to business .


I get some water and gave it to Paula , and sat beside her .

After the show and argument sessions, I asked Paula to stay on our dressing room and wait for me .

She grabs the glass on my hand and drinks some .

"Hey , Im sorry about earlier ." , I said sincerly . This is not so me , saying that I am sorry . Its just not so me . Im not that kind of person , I dont care about the feelings of others , about the things Im saying ,about the things I do . I really dont care , but now ... Why am I being like this ? This is so , weird .

I noticed that these past few days , I start to care ? About things , especially when it is about Paula . I really care now . I think . I know its weird , but I cannot stop ... CARING .

"Its alright Simon . Get over it ." she smiled as she taps my thigh .

As I felt her hands on me , I felt something weird . Its like she sends a thousands of electric volts to my body .

"Hey . Simon ?" , now she cupped my face that makes my body relaxed . Oh its really relaxing . I said to myself .

I , also held her hands . That made her look shocked . I gave her a sweet smile while I put my other hand on her waist . I pulled her closer to me . "Pawler , I think Im acting weird these past few days eh ? What do you think?" ,I whispered as I put my lips close to her ears . She moved her left hand on my nape while she puts the other to my chest . "Yeah . You're acting really weird." , she answered seductively while pointing out the word 'really' . Then I let her sit on my lap , Iam now in between of her because she is facing me right now as I put my hands on her waist . Oh , Im feeling hot . This woman in front of me is really tempting . Somebody help me ! I thought as I stare at her .

"You are sexy , Pawler . You really got this curves ." , I wink at her while rubbing her waist .

And to my surprise , she pulled my head close to her and she put little kisses on my neck. "Hey , what are you doing ?" ,I raised my left eyebrow to her . Gosh , Im sweating , its just too hot in here . Oh Paula , I might do something if you wont stop. I told myself .

She didn't mind me , she keeps on kissing my neck .

Paula , what are you doing ?


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