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I was in the middle of dream land when I heard a phone ringing. Its my phone.

I answered my phone without looking who actually called.

Phone Conversation:
Me: Hello?
***: Ry?
(I sat up straight as I heard the voice on the other line.)
Me: Paula? How are you honey? Everything fine? (I said with a worried voice)
Paula: Hmm yeah. Im good. By the way I dropped by your house. You weren't there. Where are you perhaps?
Me: Uhm just somewhere. Hanging out with a friend. What's happening? You don't usually call or go into my house if nothing's in chaos.
Paula: Aw, that's too mean. I just missed you Ry.
Me: Hmm well fair enough. I missed you too honey. How was your show? Im hearing lot about it. You actually did wel---**

I was just starting to compliment Paula's new show when I heard someone outside the door.

*Clears throat*,"Ryan? May I come in?", I covered the mouth piece of my phone and answered Simon.
"Come on in Si.", then I removed my hands on the phone.
Paula: Ryan? Who is that? *Paula asked me, I guess she heard him. Ohh this isn't good. Its not yet time people. I said to myself.

As Simon enters the room, I don't know how to react to Paula. Gotta find words now Seacrest.

Me: I'll call you later okay? Take care.

Then I hang up. Hoooh that was close. Oh no. Maybe its not yet done. I smiled nervously to the man in front of me, did he heard it as well? I hope he didn't.

"The shows done? Good! Lets grab something to drink? Hmm what do you say huh?", I said while wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

I can sense that he wants to ask something, because he didn't even opened his mouth after I said those words. Probably he did heard me talking to Paula. To clear my conscience I asked him.

"Ooookay? What's with that face?"

"Its Paula, isn't it?", he answered without blinking.

"Yeah. My new assistant.", Come on Simon, buy it.

"Nope. Its Pawler. I heard you talking about her new show. Right?", he's a smart ass.

*Phone ringing*
It wasn't mine. Its his phone.

"I'll answer this first then we'll talk later.", he said leaving me in his room alone.

*sighs* I nodded at him.

I'll just call Paula later. I have a lot to explain to the two of 'em.

Nigel's P.O.V

Its already 6pm when I finished all my paper works. In an hour I'll be meeting Simon Cowell. And Ryan. Oh right I already have my plans for AI Finale. Wanna know why I sent Ryan here?

I have to make the Finale memorable. In that case I will bring the trio back on that night!

I started to think how can I make things much surprising. Something that will make everybody in awe. Maybe sending Ryan to London will be my first move.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

*Phone Rings*
Ryan: Hello? Nigel?
Me: Good day Ryan! About the finale, maybe it would be pleasing to Simon if we will both pursue him in going to the Finale. What do you think?
Ryan: Yeah. But how we will do it?
Me: I'll give the original judges a phone call or an email regarding the Finale. I know the two judges will accept our invitation but I doubt Simon's approval. I'll send you to him. Don't worry I'll be there too.
Ryan: You're right. He is also busy with the Got Talent so there is only a 50% chance that he'll leave his job  But lets hope the other 50% is his love for American Idol.
Me: Lets hope so. So we'll leave in a week okay?
Ryan: Okay! I have a suggestion. Why don't we separate ways? I'll surprise him in their studio while you, you will give him a call saying you'll meet him?
Me: Yea yea great! Well, good luck to us! (We both laughed)
Ryan: Hahaha! Good luck sir! See you!
Me: All right then.
*End of conversation*

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