Episode 2 The Scroll!

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Jet and his team were informed by the ruler of the village or 'Hokage' that some guy named Rion and his team were recently transferred from another village and came to the Hidden Leaf Village which is where Jet and his team are right now. Jet pretended to not know who he was because he wasn't sure what would happen to him if he gave them all his info. Jet told his team to go outside while he talked to the Hokage. 

''So what is your name son?'' The Hokage said.

''My name is Jet Hardy, my family left me and I have no where else to go.'' Jet said. 

Jet lied straight to the Hokage's face and the Hokage didn't believe him at all just by looking him in the eye. 

''Stop lying kid, you're making a bad first impression, if you want to live here along with your friends I advise you to tell me the truth.'' The Hokage said. 

Jet started to get nervous and felt his body getting hotter since he knew that he couldn't lie because the Hokage can see right through it and if he tells the truth he could possibly get kicked out. 

*Swallows spit* ''Um......'' Jet paused nervously and gave a guilty stare. 

''Tell the truth son it's ok.'' The Hokage said.

''Look ok?! I'm Jet Hardy and I've been homeschooled and so has my friends, we grew up together and had to keep going from area to area and now we have no where else to go.'' Jet said. 

''No kid I'm sorry but there's already enough people here and allowing you to stay would mean more papers and plus your friends.'' The Hokage said. 

''Look sir or Kage? Whatever your name is, me and my friends need some where to stay!'' Jet said.

''Look o-'' The Hokage was cut off by a guy busting in the door.

''Hokage! Naruto has painted all over the Great Stone Faces again!'' The guy said. 

Naruto jumped off of the Great Stone Faces when he saw ninjas chasing after him and was in the air smiling.

''Yeah!'' Naruto cheered with a paint bucket in his hand with his jacket tied to his waist. 

''Losers! Wannabees you'll never catch me hahaha!'' Naruto laughed. 

Genji and the others were shocked to Naruto being chased by a bunch of ninjas since they were outside and were anxiously waiting for Jet to come out and give them the news. 

Naruto was chased up and down the Hidden leaf streets to buildings, and back to the ground. Naruto managed to quickly use one of his sneaky plans to hold a piece of paper up to him while he leaned against a wall to camouflage. 

''Hhahahaha! i knew they wouldn't catch me!'' Naruto smiled. 

A man popped up from behind him and angrily popped a vein in his head as if his head was on fire. 

''You fool!'' The man said.

''Where'd you come from Iruka sensei?! What are you doing here??'' Naruto rubbed his head from jumping on the ground. 

''No what are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in class!'' Iruka said. 

Iruka took Naruto to class and due to Naruto being a knucklehead, Iruka decided to make the whole class do the 'tranformation technique'. 

''What!?'' the class yelled in anger. 

''Oh no....'' Naruto sighed.

Meanwhile Rion and his team were in their house that the 3rd hokage gave them right before Jet and his team came. They were in their 2 bedroom apartment that was about 5 stories above the ground and Rion and his team sat in the living room. Bryce and Cameron were on the couch while Rion was in front of the T.V standing in front of them. 

''Ok guys, I think I know why we're hear!'' Rion said. 

''Ok, why?'' Bryce asked. 

''Shut up Bryce, let him speak!'' Cameron exclaimed. 

''He obviously was awaiting a response from his conclusion! So shut up Cameron!'' Bryce yelled back. 

Bryce and Cameron argued back and forth, no longer paying attention to Rion. Rion sighed and grew tiresome of their quarreling especially in a time like this. 

''Look guys stop the fighting!'' Rion said. 

Bryce and Cameron paused an put their attention on Rion. 

''Ok good, now guys the reason I believe we're here isn't because of Bryce's unexplained love for ninjas but I think it's so we can train here!'' Rion said. 

''But we're supposed to be looking for Kaitlyn and her friends....'' Cameron said. 

''Right! That's exactly why we're going to prepare ourselves first, and as the team leader when Sensei isn't around, I say we spend some time here and train our butts off!'' Rion said. 

Cameron looked at him with a blank expression because Cameron didn't want to train, he wanted to go straight to Kaitlyn and the others. 

''Um..... Rion, I'm not training here.'' Cameron said. 

''Yes we are Cameron!'' Bryce argued. 

''No one asked you Bryce!'' Cameron argued back. 

They quarreled back and forth and Rion just decided to let them argue while he went in the 1st room to his left and plotted the location they were going to train at. Rion sat on the bed and stared at the wall with his finger hovering under his chin and his left brow lifted. 

''This is going to be tough, especially since those two can't go anywhere without arguing.'' Rion said to himself. 

*Bell rings*

''Someone's knocking on the door Cameron!'' Bryce said. 

''Right! So get it Bryce!'' Cameron said. 

''Look guys! I'll get it!'' Rion walked out of the room and got the door. 

*Opens door*

''Hello?'' Rion asked. 

''Hi, I'm the teacher of the academy and since you're new here, I invite you and your friends to go to the academy with us.'' The man said. 

Rion's face lit up with hope as his eyes almost popped out of his head in excitement. Bryce and Cameron walked to the door next to Rion. 

''Really???'' They overheard. 

''Yeah! Exciting right? Well see you guys there tomorrow then.'' The man said. 

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