Episode 6 Wayside City

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Cody, Spaz, Martin were standing at the middle of Delfino Plaza where a small fountain was located. There they saw the man that put them in this mess, Xylen, and then when they chased after him he vanished. Mario was right around the corner being scolded by 2 police officers. 

They were telling him to make sure that he cleans up his mess and Mario did nothing but look them in the face and breathe. He didn't know what else to do but clean up the mess he didn't make because that was the only thing keeping him from going back to jail.

Mario then proceeded to go pass the police officers and headed around the corner. While Mario was heading around the corner, Cody and his friends backed up several feet away from the fountain and almost fell into the water that was behind them. They saw a huge pile of brown goop arising from the ground and they didn't know what to do. Cody opened his jacket and powered it up while Martin powered up his gloves. 

Spaz just prepared his sword and they all stood next to each other ready to fight. As Mario made his way to Cody and the others he saw Peach and Toadsworth watching them along with a few toads. Mario quickly began to run towards the goop and as he did he felt a huge vibration coming from the ground that stunned Mario, Cody and the others. They saw a Pianta statue sitting on top of a small grey block it was sitting on top of. 

Mario noticed it was someone on top of that statue and so did Toadsworth. 

''Princess look! On the statue's head!'' Toadsworth pointed out. 

Princess Peach gasped in shock.

''Mario!?'' She exclaimed. 

The figure on top of the statue was the same figure she saw back at the airstrip and the blue figure highly resembled Mario but with red eyes and a brush that the strange figure carried with him. The blue figure looked at Peach and jumped off of the statue with ease and snatched her. Mario went after them and Cody and his friends jumped on the roofs of the houses to find him. 

The blue figure headed around the corner where Mario was being scolded by the police officers. 

''Guys, I knew the second we saw Xylen again we would be in trouble.'' Cody said.

''Yeah, the guy has problems.'' Spaz said.

''I think it's time we take that guy down!'' Martin yelled.

''Martin shush! You're going to disturb the people here.'' Cody said. 

''Oh right.'' Martin whispered. 

''Can you 2 stop talking? Because I just saw that blue guy sink into a pile of goop with the princess.'' Spaz said calmy.

''What!?'' Cody and Martin yelled. 

''What's the big deal? She practically let herself get kidnapped, I mean who sits there and allows themselves to be snatched?'' Spaz said.

''Well you do have a point....'' Martin put his finger on his chin.

''No Martin! He doesn't, as much as I would love to agree, I just can't.'' Cody said.

 Cody jumped off of the roof and onto the ground began to chase Shadow Mario with Mario right by Cody's side. Martin and Spaz were waiting for the right approach since they didn't expect Cody to just jump into action. Martin gazed at his hands as they began to glow light red. While Martin was preparing Spaz began to take out his sword.

''What's this strange energy? I sense some weird type of magic. I don't know how to explain it bu-'' Spaz was cut off.

While Spaz and Martin were distracted they soon found themselves falling inside of the roof, but into some weird spinning loophole that they couldn't stop themselves from falling into. Martin and Spaz hit the ground the second they fell into the loophole and when they got up they realized they were in a different universe. It was no regular universe, it was almost completely in reverse. They saw a sign that read 'Wayside City'.

Martin and Spaz were trapped in this reverse universe and they didn't know how to get out. As they stood their plotting on how they could escape, they heard a huge blast hit the ground in the distance and a huge blast of wind was heading toward them. Martin and Spaz sprinted in the other direction to keep themselves from getting hit. 

''Manic didn't tell us how to dodge a blast like this!'' Martin yelled.

''Some Sensei you have.'' Spaz insulted.

''Point is, if we don't hurry and think of something, our bodies will split in half!'' Martin yelled.

As they were running they only realized that it was no use in running and they needed a new plan. Something that can keep them from getting hit but also stopping the blast at the same time. 

Martin and Spaz stood still as the thing was coming closer and closer by the second. 

''Spaz, what type of race are you?'' Martin asked.

''I'm a hedgehog.'' Spaz answered. 

''What powers do you have.'' Martin asked.

''I don't have any.'' Spaz said.

''What do you mean?!'' Martin asked.

 ''I mean that I don't have any!'' Spaz said.

 ''Look just work with me here. You have to have a power, otherwise you wouldn't be allowed to be here.'' Martin said.

''What do you mean?! I'm an assassin! I don't need powers to make me strong.'' Spaz yelled. 

''Enough!'' Martin yelled. 

They could hear the wind pressure smacking against their ears and before they knew it the huge blast of wind was nearing them. 

''This can't be the end!'' Martin fell to the ground.

''Get up Martin!'' Spaz yelled.

Martin had his head down while he was on his knees. He was so frustrated that he started to black out and he fell to the ground. Meanwhile Cody and Mario were looking for Shadow Mario but they lost him once he traveled through a statue. They quickly realized that chasing him there would only be expected and Mario wanted that but not Cody. 

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